
Shroud of the Avatar on R51’s vendor changes, new maps, and bears

As Shroud of the Avatar surges toward its formal launch later this year, the devs are continuing their stream of weekly newsletters. This week,...

Multiplayer sci-fi sandbox Pantropy has launched its $91K Kickstarter

Last September, we first heard about Pantropy, a "sci-fi faction multiplayer shooter with mechs and focus on building and crafting" and a really cool...
THe problem is you not being very good.

Overwatch sets off fireworks and fun for the Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year kicked off in Overwatch yesterday, ringing in the game's Year of the Dog. Above and beyond the celebratory atmosphere, Blizzard...

Fortnite: Valentine’s day, 3.4 million concurrency, and fixing the ‘extreme load’ problem

This right here would be why Epic Games isn't all that wrecked over having to put down Paragon: Fortnite hit a new peak concurrency...

Prosperous Universe expands its team to three, starts to map out the future

It's been a couple of months since we last checked in with Prosperous Universe, the indie economic sandbox set in space. So what has...

Overwatch’s lunar new year patch includes new capture-the-flag Thai map called Ayutthaya

Overwatch is once again taking its place among the small selection of online games in the west that honor the lunar new year, and...

ECO jumps into beta and Steam early access

The blocky world simulator ECO has bidden farewell to alpha and moved right into beta today. The beta transition also coincides with the title's...

Co-op survival MMO Dead Maze pits you against zombies when it launches February 13

Last August, we heard about a cute little coop survival MMO called Dead Maze. Yeah, yeah, it's zombies. But it's also not your average...
Try it out.

Destiny 2 outlines its development roadmap while it’s gotta go fast

The latest development roadmap for Destiny 2 has arrived, and it's pretty expansive. It covers updates through May, which winds up being the next...

Tamriel Infinium: Where will the next Elder Scrolls Online ‘chapter’ take place?

In case you missed it, a couple of weeks back there were a couple of spoilers datamined from the testing files that seem to...

Elite: Dangerous makes delicate course adjustments to Beyond 3.0

It's the year of Elite: Dangerous' Beyond DLC, and this space sim isn't heedlessly jumping into the deep cosmos without careful course planning. A second...

SMITE 5.1 is a virtual do-over for the Conquest map

SMITE's massive 5.1 patch is live today on PC, complete with the heavily overhauled and graphically updated Conquest map. There's a new tutorial for...

PUBG: PC’s anti-cheat measures, Xbox One damage tweaks, and Microsoft acquisition rumors

Patchy patch patch! It's patch day for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' test server. On PC, Bluehole says it's still working on the ongoing anti-cheat measures it's...

Massively Overthinking: Considering pay-to-win MMO peripherals

MOP reader and commenter Sally Bowls recently sent along a link to an insanely awesome 34" monitor that costs more than a lot of...

The Survivalist: The downside of hosting custom servers for survival games (and why we don’t do it)

After the latest guide introduced even more possible games to sink our survival teeth into, it is understandable that the question cropped up again...

PUBG: Cheaters, China, charity, ping-locks, and running the biggest game in the world without a roadmap

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds isn't giving up on performance optimization and cheater crackdowns, you'll be glad to know. In its most recent Steam post, Bluehole says...

Fortnite explains why you can’t frag your friends any longer

Are you upset, happy, or ignorant about last week's move to disable friendly fire in Fortnite? While griefers are probably sobbing into their Wheaties...

Overwatch’s BlizzardWorld map and skin bonanza are live

As I type this, my husband is sitting in an Overwatch queue grumbling over "unexpected server error occurred": Yep, it's a Blizzard patch day! Assuming...

EVE Online’s biggest battle ever is about to happen, but both sides may be afraid to fight

If there's one constant in the political sandbox of EVE Online, it's that everyone is secretly plotting revenge on someone. Alliances can hold grudges...

The Repopulation has big plans for housing, combat, trade, and astronomy in 2018

So here we are in January, one whole year after Idea Fabrik bought The Repopulation from a beleaguered Above & Beyond. The new company...