
Bah, it was just a bird.

Pokemon Go: Niantic addresses community, New York panics over sex offenders

Niantic has finally addressed the Pokemon Go community's uproar over the weekend patch that fixed the three-step-bug by taking it out and silenced location...

Guild Chat: Recruiting for your MMORPG guild ahead of WoW Legion

Welcome along to Guild Chat, my column in which I join forces with commenters to help a reader in need with a guild-related concern....
You don't need to confuse people, you have dinosaurs. DINOSAURS.

Free weekend showcases ARK: Survival Evolved’s Primitive+ mod and new dinos

What's bigger than a Carno, smaller than a Rex, insanely ferocious, and happy to hunt in packs? That would be ARK: Survival Evolved's new Allosaurus,...
Awesome. Very impressive. Great use of IP.

Ghost in the Shell: First Assault is now in open beta

Online shooter Ghost in the Shell: First Assault: Stand Alone Complex Online is going to take home this year's award for most unwieldy title...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s new Living Story has launched

Wowee, is it ever a massive day in the life of my favourite MMO! If you log in right now, you'll notice three greatly...
Avec les hommes et le Pokey.

Pokemon Go: Stock plummet, trolling, design fails, and crossing the Canadian border

Here's our near-daily smorgasbord of inane Pokemon Go stories. I'm sorry. Two kids from Alberta, Canada, crossed the border into the US state of...

Take a sneak peek at Guild Wars 2’s newest map

Revenge is coming! Revenge is coming! Lock up your puppies and your kittens because nothing will be safe when Guild Wars 2 goes on...

Pokemon Go: Fatwas, maps, lawsuits, and Kirby’s call-out

Happy Friday! Please don't die in 100 degree heat this weekend playing Pokemon Go, OK? We'd miss you. It's all over, guys: Someone has...
Bah, it was just a bird.

Pokemon Go: $35M revenue, movie deals, and the US government

Welcome back to our near-daily roundup of Pokemon Go news from around the alternate reality that we all live in now. The US House...
Take a shot.

Das Tal devs doubles server capacity, apologizes for alpha’s technical issues

"Thousands of players heeded our call and stormed onto the Das Tal servers on Saturday." So sayeth Fairytale Distillery's Alexander Zacherl in a postmortem...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 74: Go Pokémon Go!

Justin and Bree discuss WoW, Pokemon Go, Trove, SWTOR's KOTET, and GW2 season 3, with mailbag questions on depression and ESO advice, plus an epic ad rant.
Can't get there from here.

Lord of the Rings Online lets players collect stable-masters

There's a lot of ground to cover in Lord of the Rings Online. Players have made their ways across large stretches of Middle-Earth, and...
Bah, it was just a bird.

Pokemon Go players look for better disability options and snag a companion app

Have you ever suffered from depression? Not just being sad, but full-blown clinical depression? It's pretty horrible, and it prevents you from doing much...

Eternal Crusade welcomes Tyranids to the fight

Hope you don't have any reservations about fighting giant bugs that can snap off your head faster than you can flick a flyswatter: The...

Explore Shroud of the Avatar’s world with this community web atlas

There's no chance that you're going to get lost when you go exploring Shroud of the Avatar, thanks to a new community project that's...

ArenaNet on Guild Wars 2 PvP scouting, aquatic combat, and polling the playerbase

If you thought there was a lot of story in the recent Guild Wars 2 living world season 3 reveal, you're not alone. I...

A sneak peek at Guild Wars 2’s Living World Season 3, Episode 1: Out of the Shadows

It's been nearly a month since the end of E3, but today, ArenaNet has finally given the go-ahead for press to talk about what we were...

Wisdom of Nym: The missteps of Final Fantasy XIV’s main scenario through Heavensward

There are going to be spoilers in this column. Let's make this entirely clear. If you read this column without having finished up Final...
Pokemon gone?

The Daily Grind: How would you design a Pokemon MMORPG?

It's been a good week for the alternate reality game genre: Aside from Ingress, most of the ARGs on mobile are teeny-tiny, and even writing about...

The MOP Up: Path of Exile’s Q&A bonanza (July 10, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...