mature adults acting in mature and professional ways

So mature.

Activision-Blizzard creeps out the internet with its ‘Diversity Space Tool’ as union-busting continues

Friday afternoon, Activision-Blizzard proudly trotted out a dev blog talking up the creation of a "Diversity Space Tool" that the company has apparently been...
Congratulations. This now has to be in our database forever. I hate.

Whatever happened to survival sandbox Life Beyond? It went all-in on blockchain and NFTs

It's been a while since we checked in on survival sandbox Life Beyond, huh? The last time we looked at the game was back...
Your approval fills me with shame.

Don’t worry, Apple, Roblox likes you instead of Epic in the appeals process

So back when Epic appealed against the ruling in the Epic vs. Apple case - you know, the case that you thought was over...
Ending some eternity, at least.

Three Activision-Blizzard shareholders are under investigation for possible insider trading

Gosh, amidst all of the other scandals rocking Activision-Blizzard, you know what we haven't gotten? A good old insider trading scandal! Maybe in all...
Let it die.

Netmarble promises a bunch of blockchain titles despite their being banned in its home country

Just an FYI if you were starting to forget this or something, Netmarble is a garbage company. There's plenty of reasons to think that,...
Pure garbage.

Decentraland’s promotional rave shows the least energetic online party ever

Have you ever been to a concert in Fortnite? How about Final Fantasy XIV or Lord of the Rings Online or AdventureQuest 3D? Have you ever been to...

Goodbye to all the reasons we can’t have nice things in MMOs, 2021 edition

Years ago, we started binning all our positive stories under the "warm fuzzies" tag and our uggggg stories under "this is why we can't...

Valve appears to be banning titles with NFT and crypto trading from Steam

Saying that Valve and Steam have some problems is not a hot take. It is more of a lukewarm take, or if you want...

Another War Thunder player leaked classified military documents to win a forum argument

Back in July, we shared the astonishing news of one War Thunder fan and UK service member who wanted developer Gaijin Entertainment to make...

California’s DFEH files an objection to the settlement between Activision-Blizzard and the EEOC

It probably seemed like Activision-Blizzard had actually finally dodged a bullet in its ongoing lawsuit drama when it reached a settlement with the EEOC...

Kingfall is proudly advertising itself as a casual fantasy MMORPG with NFTs attached

Reading the announcement pinned tweet from Kingfall is a journey. The game is coming soon. All right. It's a casual fantasy MMORPG. Hmm, that...
Do I look like a patient cow?

The gamer in the infamous BlizzCon video says she ‘dodged a bullet’ by not working at Blizzard

When Xantia stepped up at BlizzCon to address World of Warcraft's character design and ask that women in the game not all look as...
Well, bye...

Sony confirms that the PlayStation 3, PSP, and Vita stores will shut down this year

It turns out that the rumor was true, unfortunately. Sony has confirmed that the online stores for the PlayStation 3, PSP, and PSP Vita...
The stuff that you have, does someone have a claim on it?

The Daily Grind: What’s the oldest MMO change or update you’re still a little angry about?

I still find Final Fantasy XI's old vague patch notes so annoying ("The potency of certain actions has been adjusted") that I named an entire...
Remember when the worst thing this game did was nonsense about avoiding auction houses?

TitanReach addresses early access funding – and how it pays its staff

We have updated this piece with additional comments from the developer at the end. The original piece follows. If you are working on an MMO,...

Goodbye to all the reasons we can’t have nice things in MMOs, 2020 edition

A few years ago, we started collecting all our cozy, comforting, positive, happy stories under the "warm fuzzies" tag. But we also have another...
Keanu, why.

Cyberpunk 2077 discovers a new game-ending save bug and investors consider a class-action suit

If you like gaming trainwrecks, Cyberpunk 2077 is your gift this year, and it's one that keeps on giving. While most of the game's bugs...
Tink tink.

The Daily Grind: Are you more hopeful about Daybreak after the latest sale?

There's a strong sense of cynicism around these parts when it comes to Daybreak, probably due to how frequently Daybreak goes to extreme lengths...
why does this continue

Lawful Neutral: The Epic vs. Apple lawsuit – when titans are tweens

The MassivelyOP Golden Yacht was anchored someplace off the coast of Maine when the first news about Epic suing Apple hit. We had sailed...

Counterstrike: Global Offensive players in Australia get a year-long ban for betting on themselves

It turns out that professional athletes placing bets on their own performances in games is generally frowned upon in most sports. This is true...