mmo testing

Hooray, or something?

Betawatch: Anthem weathers tester phase as public demo kicks off

The first demo for Anthem had certain problems because launch day on any sort of online game always does, as we've all no doubt observed...
WE... STILL... FUNCTION (maybe)

Betawatch: Project Genom is remaking itself

The state of play for Project Genom appears to be a tear-down and rebuild. After a long period of silence the game announced that it...

Betawatch: Atlas addresses hacks and gets hacked

Screw you, hackers in Atlas! You don't get to ruin this game for people, according to the developers! They're working to fight you, and......
Hooray, or something?

Betawatch: Anthem shows off a mission and a Javelin ahead of its demo

You still have to wait a little while longer to try out the Anthem beta, or "demo" if you will. But you can get some...

Betawatch: Atlas weathers its storms with strong player retention

Guess what? Atlas did in fact launch over the holiday season into its early access, and it immediately started weathering storms due to its rushed...
Yes please.

Betawatch: Crowfall’s test campaigns have arrived, City of Titans delays Issue 0

Good news, Crowfall fans, the first full campaign patch is here! Of course, this is just a test campaign; the first sanctioned campaign (which is...

Betawatch: Atlas delays alpha a week, Division 2 hits tech alpha

Studio Wildcard, you... er... wild cards. Yeah, that seems right. You announced the big surprise splash of Atlas, and then you delay the launch from...
Yes, this is ready.

Betawatch: Legends of Aria pushes back its Steam early access

It's been a week of some speed bumps for Legends of Aria; after it reset progress with its karma system ahead of its early access...
I tell you hwhat

Betawatch: Red Dead Online is alive and possibly not red

Yes, it's possible that Red Dead Online is not very red, and it is definitely very much alive in beta testing. But calling it that...
Yes, this is ready.

Betawatch: Legends of Aria has a free stress test

I can't speak for anyone else, but whenever I see something advertising a stress test, I just shrug and say that I've already got...

Betawatch: Torchlight Frontiers’ stress test, Lost Ark’s wild popularity

Torchlight Frontiers' alpha stress test kicked off today; PWE is begging y'all to come stress test the servers. Except literally nobody I know got...
All right, here we go.

Betawatch: Torchlight Frontiers plans its alpha test for next week

Aw dang, check out the big brain on Torchlight Frontiers! First the game teases us with forts, which get to be our homes in...
I'm fine. We're fine. This is fine. Everything's fine like wine.

Betawatch: Ashes of Creation tests battle royale, Occupy White Walls hands out beta keys

So... all right. Ashes of Creation has a secondary side battle royale mode that's going to be entitled Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse and is...
The next few months, then.

Betawatch: Fallout 76 enters beta testing

That's great, it starts with an NDA and no platform crossplay, Bethesda is not afraid. It's the end of the world as we know...
At this point it's debatable if anything will come out of here.

Betawatch: Ashes of Creation briefly removes its NDA

The NDA for Ashes of Creation is gone! Quickly, everyone, take the time to post as many screenshots as possible... aaaaand it's back again. Seriously,...
Oh, well this is fine.

Betawatch: Fortnite begins true Android open beta

Fortnite rolled into a true open beta for Android this week, allowing everyone a chance to get in there and die on a phone,...

Betawatch: Crowfall calls its own races monsters

Wow, Crowfall, that's rude. Very rude. Are you really going to label your own races as monsters just because they're part deer or part...
The next few months, then.

Betawatch: Fallout 76 will start testing at the end of October

Oh, Fallout 76, you have yet to release, but you give those of us on the reporting circuit a true bounty. For one thing,...
Drift-slidin' away.

Betawatch: Worlds Adrift gets a new experience for PvE and tutorials

Are you a fan of Worlds Adrift but hate having any PvP in your mixture? Good news, then, you can go check out the...
It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of of theoretical games.

Betawatch: Star Citizen wants you to mine rocks and buy another concept ship

What do you know, there's another concept ship for sale over in Star Citizen. And it's relentlessly specialized in one specific field, making it...