MMOARPG stands for “massively multiplayer online action roleplaying game.” It can be contrasted with an OARPG, which makes little attempt at being “massive” in a way that MMORPG players would accept.
Not So Massively: Path of Exile’s Ascendancy expansion (November 23, 2015)
Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
Devilian begins final closed beta test and previews the Shadowhunter
The finish line for Devilian's western test cycle is fast approaching, as the game entered into its fourth and final closed beta yesterday.
The big...
Face the Lord’s Labyrinth in Path of Exile’s next expansion: Ascendancy
Earlier this month, Grinding Gear Games teased Path of Exile players with an announcement of an upcoming expansion announcement. Well folks, today's the day!...
Grab a key for Devilian’s closed beta 4 event, War for Nala
OARPG import Devilian's fourth beta event, War for Nala, kicks off tomorrow and runs all weekend. Wanna give it a go before ponying up for...
Devilian beefs up its PvP game for its beta 4 event
Trion Worlds is eager to show that it's trying to be more flexible and adaptive with its upcoming Devilian import, saying in this month's...
The Stream Team: Seeking 60 on Storm in Marvel Heroes
Even though Storm was the first character for MassivelyOP's MJ in Marvel Heroes, she still isn't max level! It's not MJ's fault: There are...
Not So Massively: StarCraft II Legacy of the Void sold 1M copies in three days (November 16 2015)
Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
Marvel Heroics: The joys of pet ownership
I've always been a sucker for vanity pets in MMOs. It's not just the layer of customization and ownership pride that lugging along one...
Devilian’s third CBT starts Thursday as devs show off game highlights
Devilian's closed beta events are flying by, with a third planned to run from Thursday, November 12th through Monday, November 16th. The CBT is...
The Stream Team: Seeing more story on Marvel Heroes’ Storm
As hard as it is for MassivelyOP's MJ to resist the siren call of Marvel Heroes' Monday Midtown madness, she's really eager to finally...
Not So Massively: BlizzCon 2015 (November 9, 2015)
Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
The MOP Up: KingsIsle’s new game (November 8th, 2015)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Devilian begins selling early access packs
Even in a free-to-play game, money talks, which is probably why Trion has begun selling Devilian selling early access packs to the community.
The packs, which cost $20,...
Path of Exile announces that it will soon be making announcements about its next expansion
Good news, Path of Exile fans: The next expansion for the game hasn't been announced, but it has been announced that it's going to...
Get some Trove and Devilian goodies in this week’s Humble Bundle
It looks as though Trion Worlds has thrown in with Humble Bundle's Extra Life promotion, as both Devilian and Trove have made appearances in...
NCsoft promises Lineage Eternal’s closed beta testing next year
Over the summer, NCsoft was conducting small-scale focus-group testing for Lineage Eternal, another sequel for the bafflingly popular and profitable Lineage MMORPG. In fact, two more such...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 36: Team Sparkles
Justin and Bree discuss the World of Darkness sale, Star Trek Online, LOTRO's Minas Tirith, and Marvel Heroes, with mailbag questions on minimum viable products and social ecosystems.
Not So Massively: LoL pro Doublelift kicked from e-sports team (November 2, 2015)
Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
The MOP Up: Free Tribes for all (November 1, 2015)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
The Stream Team: Another date with Devilian
MassivelyOP’s MJ was pleasantly surprised at how much she was enjoying her first romp in Devilian. And now that the second closed beta weekend...