The Daily Grind: Which MMO does the most with death mechanics?
We die so many times in MMOs that it's lost all meaning. It's merely a pause button, perhaps with a slight penalty attached, unless you...
Summer of SMITE continues with Patch 3.13
The so-called Summer of SMITE is being particularly kind to the Norse goddess of beauty and fertility. Today's 3.13 patch delivered a host of...
The MOP Up: RuneScape Chronicles’ beach party (July 17, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Massively Overthinking: The best MMORPG trailers of all time
This week's Massively Overthinking should be a fun one -- and hopefully it'll contrast nicely with the Game Archaeologist column we ran last week, which...
Take a look at some of Dark Age of Camelot’s class changes
Even after all of these years, Dark Age of Camelot still has a few tricks up its sleeves -- and class changes down its...
The MMOs with deals on Amazon Prime Day
The second-biggest holiday of the year has arrived: I'm talking about Prime Day, of course, the summer's Black Friday, when Amazon puts a ton...
One Shots: Totes adorbs
My call out for favorite fantasy races a while back did spur a few of you to share screenshots depicting your beloved species. Kristina...
The Game Archaeologist: Eight launch trailers from classic MMOs
When YouTube first became a thing, I dismissed it as a site that was mostly preoccupied with people talking into cameras in an attempt...
The Stream Team: Calming the enraged Gatekeeper in The Secret World
You've heard the old adage that redheads have a temper? Well imagine if you add red arms, red torso, red legs! Part of this...
Chaos Theory: Loot bags and golems galore for The Secret World’s fourth birthday
There may have been moments over the past 12 months when fans feared this time would never come, but it has: Happy fourth birthday, The Secret World!
Giveaway: Grab a summer god skin key from SMITE and MOP! (All gone!)
SMITEÂ is in the midst of its huge summer 2016 promotion, with a mid-season patch just behind it and a Mac launch to boot. Among...
SMITE reveals Erlang Shen, the Illustrious Sage, in massive mid-season update
Finally, Erlang Shen is joining the crew of SMITE! At long last, our Erlang Shen-less nightmare is over with the huge mid-season patch rolling...
Global Chat: Why SWTOR’s dark vs. light side event fails
Star Wars: The Old Republic's new Dark vs. Light event has everyone talking, including MMO bloggers. The consensus seems to be wavering between bewilderment...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 72: The dog days of summer updates
Justin and Bree discuss Riders of Icarus, Landmark, Age of Conan, RIFT, and Aion, with mailbag questions on FFA PvP tension and social encounters.
The Game Archaeologist: Dark Age of Camelot
Today, we take a trip to England, but not the England of our timeline. No, this is the England-That-Could-Have-Been, the England of King Arthur,...
The Stream Team: Attack of The Secret World’s anniversary golems
They're here! Those glorious AP pinatas have returned to The Secret World. If you want some AP to get started on your Museum of...
Age of Conan’s 5.0 update brings raid finder, new loyalty program
Age of Conan's big 5.0 update is live today, inserting a number of big changes into the MMORPG edition of Hyboria: Expect new daily login gifts,...
The Secret World preps fourth birthday festivities with double AP and Guardians of Gaia event
Four years ago this month, Funcom released The Secret World into the wild. That calls for celebration! Indeed, Funcom is kicking off the festivities in-game...
The Daily Grind: Do you like ‘seasonal challenge’ content in MMORPGs?
On this week's Massively OP podcast -- out yesterday evening for our $5+ Patreon backers and out later this afternoon for everybody else --...
The Daily Grind: Have you ever learned about major world news while playing an MMORPG?
Last week when news of Brexit took over the western world, a Star Citizen Redditor made a comment about the weirdness of learning that...