
A major global studio based in South Korea, known in the west for games like WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Aion, among many others.

My expectations weren't that I would be jumping into this right away, but...

The Soapbox: No, the MMO genre is not dead – but it could use a little positivity

One of my favorite idioms is "dead as a doornail." It always reminds me of the time I got sent out of my 10th...
leave my dagron alone

Legends of Aria explains the new professions system it launched with Steam early access

Still fresh off its Steam early access launch last week, Legends of Aria has posted a new dev blog all about the Professions system....

Guild Wars 2 players raise eyebrows over new cash shop sword similar to one found in Gamigo MMO RIFT

Guild Wars 2 dropped a new cosmetic sword in the cash shop this week that's caused a ripple of fuss on the forums and...

Fight or Kite: Guild Wars 2’s best PvP mode isn’t what you think it is – it’s minigames

One could certainly argue that Guild Wars 2’s primary focus is that of a PvE, story driven game. Hell, I’d make that argument. Yet,...
Also, kind of Blue Mage, but that's not happening so stop asking.

Vague Patch Notes: Lazy MMO developers don’t exist (at least not the way you’re thinking)

The other night, I was reading the Final Fantasy XIV subreddit and came across that gem of all gems for people who love badly...
Don't stand so.

WildStar composer Jeff Kurtenacker’s second Q&A talks unfinished music, the end of OST sales, and NCsoft

The always generous and lovely Jeff Kurtenacker, composer of WildStar's outstanding score, has uploaded the second episode of his JK Q&A series of videos...
but your acronym

Guild Wars 2 players organize a raiding tourney for August 24

Seeing player-run tourneys in Guild Wars 2 isn't exactly unusual, but this one is something a fair bit different. On August 24th, six guilds...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 233: What WoW Classic slouches toward Bethlehem?

Justin and Bree discuss WoW and WoW Classic, LOTRO, Square Enix, Aion, DCUO, and Legends of Aria, with adventures in Chronicles of Spellborn, City of Heroes, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on newbie onboarding and MMO end-of-life strategy.
Just play along.

Guild Wars 2 tweaks skills and Fractals while adding in a 2v2 map

It's two teams of two facing off in the latest addition to Guild Wars 2 via patch: The latest update adds a 2v2 map...

First impressions of DC Universe Online – on the Nintendo Switch

Last week, DC Universe Online became one of the only MMOs on the Nintendo Switch, prompting many gamers to give it a look or...

Guild Wars 2’s seventh anniversary gifts are being wrapped for you

What's the oldest character you have on Guild Wars 2? That's a more pertinent question than in other MMORPGs, as elderly characters benefit from...

City of Heroes’ Homecoming Team finally posted a new beta patch after months of public quiet

Apart from its brief announcement last week, City of Heroes' Homecoming Team has been relatively quiet the past few months. Where once the rogue...
We all live on a ship of heroes

Into the Super-verse: How Ship of Heroes is winning the superhero race

When it came to the explosion of spiritual successors to City of Heroes, there's definitely something to be said about being first on the...

Wings Over Atreia: Aion would make a better TV show than it does a game

It is no secret that Aion has frustrated me significantly to the point I can't even log in and play anymore. I get too...

One Shots: The secret life of NPCs

What goes on with NPCs when you're not looking? Egocentric adventurers think that they're sitting around, sharpening blades, and preparing their spellbooks for encounters,...

Battle Bards Episode 150: The great plains

It may not be the most sexy or exotic of biomes, but plains tend to pop up in pretty much every MMORPG — and...
A whole new wait, no, not doing this song, never mind.

The Daily Grind: How should MMOs handle flying mounts in future content?

A couple of weeks ago on the Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I derailed into a discussion about flight in MMOs and how MMOs...

WildStar composer Jeff Kurtenacker answers fan questions about the game’s soundtrack

WildStar is dead and gone, but we will always have the soundtrack, which is all over YouTube for those who perhaps missed out on...

Massively Overthinking: Morality and compelling choices in MMOs

The most recent episode of The Psychology of Video Games podcast touches on a subject we don't tackle very much: moral choices. It's an...
Someone please clarify.

Become a raid boss and get rich in Lineage II’s Prelude to War update

Most MMO players have spent a substantial portion of their gaming careers beating the loot out of big, bad raid bosses, but if you've...