See: TUG
nerd kingdom
The Daily Grind: Will you kickstart any MMOs in 2018?
I didn't back a single video game in 2017, which is a first for me. The year before, I backed Hero's Song, and we...
Stephan Frost’s Nexon project gains former Amazon gameplay engineer
The handrubbing intrigue over Stephan Frost's mysterious project at Nexon ramped up this week with the announcement of another member that has signed up...
Massively Overthinking: Alone together vs. forced grouping in MMORPGs
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that everyone has at some point seen the xkcd called Isolation, but if not, there...
Crowfall gets ready to begin testing its campaign system
One of Crowfall's most important systems -- if not the crux of the entire game -- is its campaign system. This repeatable PvP experience will...
Cryptic announces brand-new Magic: The Gathering MMORPG
One of the largest and longest-running collectible card games is about to become a brand-new role-playing video game, courtesy of Cryptic Studios. Cryptic and...
LOTRO Legendarium: Playing second fiddle to the Fellowship
Back when Lord of the Rings Online was being developed as Middle-earth Online in the late 1990s, the original concept was to plop players...
The Survivalist: Massively OP’s guide to multiplayer survival sandboxes
Welcome to The Survivalist! Ya'll might have noticed that I have gravitated a bit from my happy home of deep, immersive virtual worlds (possible...
Tamriel Infinium: Battlegrounds will change Elder Scrolls Online PvP forever
I've read all the impressions from the PAX East show that I could find, and they were all overwhelmingly mild -- including ours. As you...
TUG outlines its roadmap, aims to have ‘core gameplay’ in place for summer
You might be hearing more about TUG in the near future, as the team said that it will be increasing its communication as development...
Massively Overthinking: Is the MMORPG genre taking a much-needed breather?
Massively OP donor and commenter Tibi sent this epic question to our podcast and kindly allowed me to share it here instead for maximum...
What in the world happened to TUG?
TUG, better known as The Untitled Game, burst onto the scene in May of 2013 with a Kickstarter, which didn't elicit the same groans...
The Soapbox: The sorry state of ARK Survival Evolved
When ARK: Survival Evolved came on the scene in June 2015, it was met with enthusiasm (dinosaurs!) as well as some skepticism (Early Access)....
Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most unclear futures in 2017
A little while back, I took a look at the healthiest games in the MMO space at this time. That was a nice, uplifting...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you most regret Kickstarting?
With Pathfinder Online, The Repopulation, and TUG all back in the news this week either hunting for money, being acquired, or undergoing a total...
TUG works on producing a ‘minimally viable product’
Emerging from months of relative silence, Nerd Kingdom penned a short Kickstarter update about what's happening with the social sandbox world of TUG. It...
Chaos Theory: Happy handstands for Funcom’s funding
Things are looking up! I don't know about you, but I'm certainly feeling more relief-- and not just a little extra excitement -- when...
The Game Archaeologist: The Wish that wasn’t
First of all, "wish" is one of those words that ends up looking dang strange the more you focus on it. Wish, wish, wish,...
Nerd Kingdom is ‘strongly considering’ making TUG free in some form
As TUG engages in the process of transferring over to a new engine, Nerd Kingdom continues to discuss what it's thinking in regard to the...
TUG’s second brain vomit vlog talks monetization
Titled "To free, or not to free," TUG's second vlog highlights the subject of monetization. While discussing the free-to-play topic, Nerd Kingdom CEO Peter Salinas...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 46: The high price of VR
Justin and Bree discuss the Oculus Rift's pricetag, Marvel Heroes' David Brevik, Divergence Online, Smed on emus, and TUG, with mailbag questions on tstories, MOBAs, and skill trees.