new world

Official Site: New World
Studio: Amazon Game Studios
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: MMORPG Sandbox
Business Model: Unknown
Platform: PC

The best Massively OP MMO reader polls of 2017

Polls are a quantitative sort of magic that we don't often get from our other articles - at least when they aren't being brigaded...
What are we even doing here?

Wisdom of Nym: Looking ahead to Final Fantasy XIV’s 2018

It's not quite 2018 yet, but it will be next week. That means we have a whole year of Final Fantasy XIV to enjoy,...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2018

With 2017 drawing to a close and 2018 rushing up to meet us, the Massively OP team has regrouped for another round of bold...

Perfect Ten: 20 upcoming MMOs to watch in 2018

It has become a long-standing tradition as Massively OP and our former site that we like to end the year by creating a list...

The Repopulation considers closing its EU server, adding hardcore server as 10.2 patch rolls out to testers

Idea Fabrik has a new forum post up on the state of sandbox MMO The Repopulation heralding the testing of update 10.2. There's downside,...

The Daily Grind: Are you thinking of WoW Classic as a totally new MMO?

Early on in all the WoW Classic hoopla, I'd been thinking of World of Warcraft legacy servers as the sort of gimmick servers that...

Path of Exile’s War for the Atlas expansion opens December 8

It may feel as if Path of Exile just came out with its The Fall of Oriath expansion, but that was last August. The time...
But we're evil.

DC Universe Online patches in Earth-3 adventures today

This morning, the DC Universe Online servers went down to apply the game's next major patch. They may or may not be back up...
Too bad, very sad.

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth has a weak conflict for a strong focus

The last time I saw this many people asking "why?" about a new World of Warcraft expansion was at the announcement of Mists of...

Trove’s Adventures update is coming next week

Feeling that ol' MMORPG ennui this autumn? Looking for a brave new world to plunder? Trove might just fit the bill, especially after next...

Roblox adds Xbox One cross-play, is now a ‘complete cross-platform ecosystem’

The bizarre behemoth that is Roblox is growing to even more gargantuan proportions as the team continues to connect its community. The social gaming...
All errors should have been ingored

Destiny 2 passes the baton to the live team, outlines future updates

"Right now at Bungie, we’ve passed the development torch from the people that made Destiny 2 to the people who will sustain it." With both...
When leveling alts was already the plan...

WoW Factor: Speculating about World of Warcraft’s next expansion

It's really, really weird to me to think that we're getting an announcement about a new World of Warcraft expansion next week. Admittedly, we...

Amazon may have already canceled Breakaway

Kotaku is reporting that Amazon has "basically canceled" Breakaway, with two sources confirming that the game is over - on "indefinite hiatus," one said,...

Hyperspace Beacon: 10 things you need to know about SWTOR’s Chiss

Star Wars: The Old Republic will launch its sixth major update since Knights of the Eternal Throne at the end of November. It will...

Amazon continues to flesh out its Lumberyard engine

As it will be powering MMOs like New World and Star Citizen, Amazon's Lumberyard game engine deserves attention as it continues to be built...

Warframe’s Plains of Eidolon introduces ‘open landscapes’ later this year

During its livestream earlier this afternoon, Digital Extremes formally unveiled Plains of Eidolon, Warframe's next big expansion. As announced back at TennoCon, the expansion will...

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMOs of 2017’s PAX West

PAX West 2017 has come and gone, and though MJ is still feverishly working on her last few articles, we wanted to pause a...

World of Warcraft rockets to Argus in patch 7.3 today

At last year's BlizzCon, when Blizzard first announced World of Warcraft fans would someday be trekking to Argus, it seemed so distant to many...
We have a spaceship.

Everything you need to know about World of Warcraft 7.3: Shadows of Argus

In keeping with its bizarrely predictable pattern of releasing a major update every 77 days during the Legion expansion cycle, Blizzard is about ready...