news items


TERA pushes Velik’s Fate live, highlights the challenges of Demokron Factory

Velik's Fate is live in TERA today, with tier 12 gear and the opening of four rebalanced dungeons (and the closing of a whole...
Big time.

EVE Online’s patch today changes PLEX and adds new Blood Raider ships and shipyards

The bad news for EVE Online fans is that the game is going to require extended downtime today. There's nothing to be done about...
If you don't like any of this, well... keep doing whatever, I guess.

Razer partners up with Neverwinter for cross-promotional rewards

Do you like Razer products? Do you like playing Neverwinter? Do you eat beans with George Wendt? If you answered yes to the first...

WildStar is finishing its switch to ProtoBucks instead of NCoins

The conversion to a proprietary currency for WildStar microtransactions is almost complete. While WildStar has been using NCoins (NCsoft's microtransaction currency), it introduced ProtoBucks...
Big time.

Ashes of Creation passes the 8,000 backer mark

It's fun times when a Kickstarter is doing so well that the number of backers alone can unlock stretch goals. Ashes of Creation has...
spooky hiding

Shroud of the Avatar adds a small patch with a hidden message

There's a hidden message in the patch notes for Shroud of the Avatar's small patch from yesterday. What could it possibly mean? Is it...
This is obviously someone else's fault.

DOTA 2 is getting a co-op story campaign… no, really

The story of DOTA 2 has generally been considered to be a story of racist epithets uttered at strangers in a video game, or...
You will die here.

Valiance Online previews City Hall and the hospital

The team behind Valiance Online wants to show you everything there is to be seen within the game. Of course, you can't see it...
Where you can't see.

Final Fantasy XIV offers its first glimpse of the dungeons in Stormblood

There will be a lot of dungeons to explore in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. That's not a spoiler, that's a fact of life, just...

The Days of Glory come to Skyforge through May 24

We've mentioned before that the world of Skyforge tends to get invaded pretty regularly at this point. The first time it happened, though? That...
Right round.

Lineage II: Revolution is arriving in June

If you've forgotten about Lineage II: Revolution, the short version is that it's like Lineage II, only it's on mobile. (There is more to...
Heroes do actually die, but...

Fan-made Overwatch short explores Mercy’s backstory

If you've played a single Overwatch game with Mercy as your support hero, you've heard her rallying shout at least once - "Heroes never...
WAKE ME UP INSIDE (wake me up)

Diablo III sums up why Necromancers are getting smaller sets and weaker cooldowns

Had you forgotten about the Diablo III Q&A stream about the Necromancer? Because that happened. Not to worry, though; there's a full summary available...
This is all going well. Good decisions are being made.

World of Warcraft is testing Mythic keystone changes for patch 7.2.5

There have been good parts and bad parts of Mythic keystones in World of Warcraft, and the team is planning to address the latter...
Bap-a-dap-daaaa, daaa, dap-a-bap-daaaaaa ~♪

Star Wars: The Old Republic prepares celebrations and promotions for May 4

Ah, the fourth of May, a day of celebration for Star Wars fans due to its similarity to an iconic line from the franchise:...

Pantheon unveils the second part of its early Monk preview

Harsh environments, energetic punches, and the ever-present specter of death, all of this can be found within the archive of the most recent Pantheon:...
Here we go again.

WildStar patch 1.7.1 arrives tomorrow, complete with expert Skullcano

Ready to challenge a few more bits of group content at Prime difficulty in WildStar? You'll have your chance when patch 1.7.1 arrives on...
No combo winter for you.

Magic: the Gathering Online got the latest broken combo banned in just two days

You may not play Magic: the Gathering Online, but if you play any sort of free-to-play online card game, you owe some of your...
Burn it all.

Defiance invites you to cleanse the diseased with pure, searing flame

The new Defiance event is full of disease. There's an outbreak of some illness or another with all-new Arkfalls, but what's really important is...
Well, all right.

LEGO Conan Exiles isn’t a game, but it is a trailer

The whole "LEGO everything" bit is pretty played out at this point. We've got several dozen platforming 3D games that have "LEGO" in the...