
Fiiiix me.

Secret World Legends community mod allows players to make their own in-game missions

No one likes a content lull in a game, but Secret World Legends players don't have to take it lying down. They don't actually...
I can stop any time I want.

World of Warcraft is banning ads on the Group Finder moving forward

Quick question: What is the Group Finder in World of Warcraft intended for? If you answered that it's for finding groups, possibly with an...
Iffy reet.

Final Fantasy XIV unlocks Heaven-on-High with patch 4.35 today

You could argue that the new Deep Dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV doesn't really deserve the name; you're going up, not down. That means...

Star Trek Online previews the rebuilt Deep Space Nine for the console launch of Victory is Life

If you were going to ask someone to identify the most iconic starbases in Star Trek Online, there's really not much contest. Sure, Earth...

Rend highlights its bipedal danger birds, the Rocs

There is something faintly familiar about Rend's Rocs. Sure, they are hardly the first example of big bipedal birds, but... something about the way...
It works!

Path of Exile adds two new Incursion Rooms with its next patch

The next patch for Path of Exile is adding two new Incursion rooms, and at a glance one sounds a lot better than the...
This is someone else's problem.

France’s gambling authority condemns but does not ban lockboxes

The international community is becoming aware of the problems of lootboxes, and that means that laws are being formed in response to the business...
Success is arriving.

Fractured is just over 40% funded as the developers show off more of the game

The earliest moments of a Kickstarter can be the most nail-biting, as doing well early on can often determine whether or not the project...
Yes, it was this bad. It was always this bad.

Online games are avenues for hate group recruitment, according to former white supremacist leader

Playing a game of linking awful online activities to white supremacist movements is like the worst possible variant of the old Six Degrees of...
We all live on a ship of heroes

Ship of Heroes shows off its female soldier armor

It would be unfair to say that superhero MMOs are based entirely on the strength of their costume creation, but that costume creation is...
Everyone is very mature.

Todd Howard blames Fallout 76’s lack of cross-platform play on Sony

The reason you won't be able to play Fallout 76 with your friends on consoles is because of Sony, according to Bethesda studio director...
And I think it's gonna be a long long time

Fortnite’s rocket launch led to players being… nice to each other

You might think that gathering a bunch of Fortnite players in one spot to watch a rocket launch would lead to a whole lot...

The MOP Up: EverQuest II’s scorched sky policy (July 1, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
What if, instead of random chance, we just... let you work on things?

World of Warcraft shows off its War Mode benefits

It seems only fair that World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth will give players a bit more reason to go to war. So it...
Everything old is new again.

Final Fantasy XI developers answer fan questions on Reddit

Age is catching up to Final Fantasy XI, but the development team remains as passionate as ever. For the game's 16th Anniversary, English-speaking fans...
This is not a doll.

Final Fantasy XI brings out more waves of Dynamis enemies with its next version update

Get ready for additional waves of enemies in Dynamis-Divergence in Final Fantasy XI when July comes around, because that's what's being added. The game's...
Sure, why not, who cares.

Bless Online is rolling out a big update on July 4

Whether you're having a lot of fun with Bless Online or wondering if its port is something of a curse, you probably would not...

Star Trek Online prepares baseball uniforms and a new ship for this year’s summer celebration

It's kind of silly to think about a specific time being summer in Star Trek Online, since it's always summer on some planet or...

AdventureQuest 3D is revamping combat to make it more fun, even when you die

Combat is supposed to be fun in AdventureQuest 3D. Is it currently not fun? That's not important; what's important is that it could be...
It's a bribe, Charlie Brown.

Defiance 2050 offers a Gemini XIII outfit for watching Twitch

You there! Will you watch an official developer livestream of Defiance 2050 on July 13th? Perhaps you might say no right now, but would...