paragon chat

Choose My Adventure: Sampling a quick serving of player creativity in City of Heroes Rebirth

Even though City of Heroes Rebirth is a smaller rogue server in comparison to others out there, I was happy to notice that there...

Choose My Adventure: Why does The Secret World feel so bad to play?

The Secret World is a good game. A great one, even. It’s worthy of all of the praise and adoration it gets from its...

Into the Super-verse: A heroic year of superhero MMO development

As we get ready to tuck 2020 into the annals of history and venture into the wilds of 2021, it's a good time for...

City of Heroes players have released a security-centric, server-inclusive launcher called Sunrise

Back in 2019, when the City of Heroes community was still squabbling over who got to be in charge of what once a copy...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you played a ‘dead’ MMO

Earlier this week, I trolled myself by picking up the charity Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. I say I trolled myself because...
We got it back, after all.

Perfect Ten: Dead MMOs resurrected via rogue servers

Last December, the Massively OP 2019 Awards gave its "Best Trend" nod to the rise of rogue servers in the MMO genre. Preservation of...

TonyV leaves City of Heroes NCsoft negotiations, resigns from Titan Network

Over the course of the last few months, following the revelation of working City of Heroes server code out in the wild and the...

Choose My Adventure: I may have fallen out of love with City of Heroes

I have to admit something, to everyone reading this and to myself. I’m not sure I missed City of Heroes as much as I...

Into the Super-verse: Getting to know City of Heroes all over again

It has been well over a decade since I played City of Heroes with any regularity, and yet when I saw that familiar loading...

Two weeks in, City of Heroes has four rogue servers and heartwarmingly massive queues

Two weeks after we first broke the story confirming the City of Heroes secret private server leak, the game has turned 15 years old...

One Shots: Cruising in the Batmobile

Nothing gives me genre whiplash more than seeing technology that's vastly more advanced from anything in our world existing alongside of an otherwise-medieval realm....

The Titan Network is negotiating to open a legal community-run City of Heroes server

Following the abrupt shut-down of the first City of Heroes rogue server yesterday, the game's community has been in turmoil as leaders urged patience....

Leaderboard: Do you plan to play on a City of Heroes rogue server?

I don't know whether people have guessed by now, but a lot of the City of Heroes screenshots we use here on Massively OP...

‘Secret’ City of Heroes emulator operators address SCORE leak drama, rebut personal info database rumor

If you've been around the post-sunset City of Heroes community long enough, you've probably heard the rumors that there's a secret City of Heroes...

One Shots: Rack ’em up!

I have to say that I would be much more likely to take up the crimefighting life if there was a really hip rec...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 210: The spice must flow

Justin and Bree discuss Funcom's Dune, Anarchy Online's prog, Elder Scrolls Online's Wrathstone, Atlas' wipe, Guild Wars 2's layoffs, DDO's Sharn expansion, and Outlaws of the Old West, with adventures in Eldevin, LOTRO, Paragon Chat, Trove, and SWG; a mailbag question on finding laid-back MMOs; and a sponsored segment on Black Desert.

Into the Super-verse: Taking a closer look at City of Heroes’ Paragon Chat

Welcome to Massively OP's brand-new column covering superhero MMORPGs -- past, present, and future! One might even say it's a continuation of our past...
Cool times.

Paragon Chat hosts a winter formal in City of Heroes on February 9

Hang out with your fellow heroes, dress up, and enjoy a celebration of winter in Paragon Chat this Saturday with the winter formal! Yes, the City...
It's never quite gone.

Paragon Chat is already planning an event for the City of Heroes anniversary on April 28

This year would have been a big one for City of Heroes as the game's 15th anniversary. Of course, the fans aren't about to let...

Check out the new maps being built for City of Heroes’ Paragon Chat

City of Heroes refugees have long since scattered across the internet, spread among emulators, other superhero titles, and indie games being built in the...