
Destined even further.

Riot Games and Bungie join forces to sue creator of Destiny 2 and Valorant cheat software

When I saw this story cross our news room, I immediately envisioned Guardians and Agents clapping hands together and very possibly pumping their arms...
Time for a few small repairs.

Final Fantasy XIV launches the last piece of Ishgard Restoration with patch 5.41

If you've been waiting for new battle content in Final Fantasy XIV, you're going to have to keep waiting past patch 5.41. That has launched...

The Stream Team: Celebrating 10 super years of DC Universe Online

The big 1-0. DCUO has reached the milestone of a decade in operation, and Massively OP's MJ is ready to celebrate the accomplishment. The...
There is actually quite a lot of this.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s community is better – and worse – than you think

If you are not actually playing Final Fantasy XIV, you probably have an impression of the community for this game being an amazing font...

DC Universe Online celebrates its 10th anniversary with a new event raid, missions, and rewards

Happy 10th birthday, DC Universe Online! Oh, is that a gift for us? You shouldn't have! And it's a fight against some horrible paradox...

The Game Archaeologist: Free Realms

Its very name was a declaration of rebellion against the status quo. In an era that had yet to shift from a subscription-only model...
I see.

Vague Patch Notes: Yes, Virginia, that counts as an MMO

There is a particular comment we get on a semi-regular basis, and it is always wrong. It shows up on a wide variety of...

Free Realms rogue server Sunrise begins taking beta sign-ups

With this past December's sale of Daybreak to a new owner, it brings to mind all of the MMOs that didn't make it to...
Hope for light.

Perfect Ten: The top MMOs to watch in 2021

"MMOs are dead!" "MMOs are dying!" "We didn't get any good MMO releases this past year!" While I won't argue with the last one there,...
Working from not-home.

Final Fantasy XIV outlines plans for the final session of Ishgard Restoration ranking

Soon it will be time for Final Fantasy XIV to help rebuild Ishgard once again. In fact, the newest preview from the team implies...
Oh boy.

Let’s celebrate the history of the dance emote from EverQuest to Fortnite

"Slow day at the office, eh MOP?" Yes. Mercifully. I am very tired and working for a casino during New Year's Eve weekend is...
Get thee within, ye of victories forsaken.

Wisdom of Nym: Predicting Final Fantasy XIV’s 2021 for now

I don't know what 2021 is going to bring in general. This has always been the case, of course, but if anything 2020 should...

Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding news of 2020

Welcome to a special edition of Make My MMO, Massively OP's weekly and sometimes biweekly recap of the big news in crowdfunded MMOs. If you're...

Albion Online saw an ‘ever-growing population’ in 2020, promises mobile release in 2021

As many game studios are doing right now, Albion Online's Sandbox Interactive is pausing to take stock of the year that has passed and...

Global Chat: Checking out EverQuest II’s Reign of Shadows

Haven't had time to check out EverQuest II's latest expansion yet? Telwyn from GamingSF has you covered with some first impressions of Reign of...

One Shots: Your eye is at stake!

What did you get for the holidays? If it was anything other than a weapon to fight super mutants in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, then...

MMO Year in Review: When Daybreak and Albion got bought out (December 2020)

Well, we made it to the final recap of the final month of the hell year known as 2020, and for MMOs, at least,...
Y'shjtola might be mad.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida teases the next expansion while saluting frontline health workers

The new year is here, and Final Fantasy XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida has greetings for the playerbase as he always does. Yoshida...

The Christmas truce in EVE Online ends in explosive fashion with a costly $300K battle at M2-XFE

It was likely a foregone conclusion that the agreed upon Christmas truce between the two sides fighting World War Bee 2 in EVE Online...

2020 saw lots of Fortnite coverage, retweets for FFXIV, and nearly half of global market value in mobile

If you like to look back at the year in gaming through data in infographic form, then your favorite post is here. GamesIndustry has...