
PvE stands for player-vs.-environment, where environment is generally taken to mean the world, NPCs, and AI.

Roll a Warlock in Dungeons and Dragons Online next month

Time to roll up a new character in Dungeons and Dragons Online! In a new producer's letter, Robert Ciccolini said that the team will...

Guild Chat: The layout, usage, and manners of voice chat

Welcome along to Guild Chat, my own wee place in the 'webs in which we can discuss all things guilds and club together to...

Massively Overthinking: Nasty labels for players in MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from an anonymous Kickstarter donor, who wanted to talk about excessive namecalling jargon as it pertains to groups...

Dark Age of Camelot throws Memorial Day bonus weekend

Dark Age of Camelot fans might want to adjust their plans for the upcoming holiday weekend in the US, as Broadsword is turning on...

Behind the scenes of the Marvel Heroes machine

With Marvel movies and television shows coming out left and right (and the comics, of course), hitching your game to this hot property is...

Global Chat: What do you remember about Guild Wars?

Late last month, the classic Guild Wars transcended its 10th birthday and prompted a flood of nostalgic posts and shared stories. A few MMO...

Destiny’s House of Wolves expansion launches today

Destiny's House of Wolves launches today. Bungie's second expansion offers new story missions, a new cooperative strike called The Shadow Thief, and new endgame components...

Guild Wars 2’s Lion’s Arch reconstruction has begun

Guild Wars 2's Lion's Arch reconstruction has begun, declare patch notes and a new dev post released today by ArenaNet's Gaile Gray. The patch notes, which also...

Tamriel Infinium: What we know about Elder Scrolls Online’s Imperial City

Even before the PC launch of the Elder Scrolls Online last year, there was something the community pined for: the Imperial City. In my first trip...

Master X Master Online is an NCsoft MOBA with a twist

Are you curious about NCsoft's Master X Master Online? Steparu's put the game through its paces and has nice things to say about it, concluding...

World of Warcraft dev attributes subscriber drop to ‘cyclical’ play patterns

Losing three million subscribers? That might be a big thing to some people, but for World of Warcraft Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas, it...
Black Desert

Here’s a look at the latest Black Desert open world boss battle

Want to see the newest Black Desert boss battle? Head to Steparu's site, as he's got video clips and screenshots of the new creature that...

DC Universe Online: Halls of Power II and the end of DLC

If you are not a subscriber to DC Universe Online, you're still sitting back on the sidelines anticipating the release of Halls of Power Part...

WoW Factor: A three million loss lesson

It's been a little while, hasn't it, friends? In the time since I last penned WoW Factor (which missed an installment purely due to...

The Repopulation adds diplomacy minigame with new patch

Wait, there are other ways to resolve conflict with in-game NPCs than to stab large holes in their torsos? The Repopulation seems to think...
Again? Still?

An all-Death Knight party downs the current apex of World of Warcraft raiding

So, what's the best group composition for endgame raiding in World of Warcraft? It looks like it's Death Knights. Just a bunch of Blood-spec...

LOTRO Legendarium: The return of the dungeon

While I've been playing Lord of the Rings Online as one of my main MMOs for almost a decade now, it's primarily been for...

Guild Wars 2 initially aims for a small desert borderlands WvW test

Even as Guild Wars 2 players are diligently farming zones in the hopes of obtaining a Heart of Thorns PvE beta key, ArenaNet is...

World of Warcraft preps bonus events and adventure guide for 6.2

What would it be like to play an MMO where every day presented a new event to enjoy? This will be the reality for...

Land of Britain creates card game to fund the MMO

Land of Britain may be a long way off from launch, but that hasn't stopped Potato Killer Studios for developing a spin-off online card...