
PvP stands for player-vs.-player. PvP can take the form of virtual combat, economic trade, political machinations, or other competition.


Perfect Ten: The 10 components of a ‘fair’ MMO PvP fight

I spend a lot of my time thinking about MMO PvP. You might not realize it, but I'm actually a really big fan of...

Albion Online walks through the mechanics of the Reputation system

The developers of Albion Online want you to murder the heck out of your fellow players, but they also want to make sure that...
I live, I die, I live again!

Tribes: Ascend Creative Director resigns, Hi-Rez plans final patch in his honor [Updated]

A few weeks ago, Hi Rez Creative Director Sean McBride announced that he was leaving the company. "Unfortunately at this point in time Hi-Rez...

Giveaway: Grab a summer god skin key from SMITE and MOP! (All gone!)

SMITE is in the midst of its huge summer 2016 promotion, with a mid-season patch just behind it and a Mac launch to boot. Among...

Multiplayer ARPG Heroes of Incredible Tales is out on Android and iOS today

It's not quite an MMO, but Heroes of Incredible Tales does have an MMO pedigree: It's the first-born spawn of Yong-Hyun Park's NAT Games...

H1Z1: King of the Kill got a major combat patch today

Daybreak's Garrett Fern is blessed with an epic RPG name. He's also the H1Z1 combat and gameplay designer on deck to tell King of...
Darkly falling all over again.

Darkfall: Rise of Agon is handling item issues and meditation for is next update

The team behind Darkfall: Rise of Agon has been hard at work with more features for the game once the servers come back online....
Can't stop won't stop.

Das Tal plans both US and EU servers for summer alpha

Are you getting hyped for Das Tal's summer alpha? If not, was it because Fairytale Distillery planned only an EU server for the test,...

Albion Online overhauls several systems for its final beta

Is everyone super-excited about Albion Online's final beta test coming next month? Not only is there something magical about the word "final" in game...
Dog and guy, together at last!

SMITE reveals Erlang Shen, the Illustrious Sage, in massive mid-season update

Finally, Erlang Shen is joining the crew of SMITE! At long last, our Erlang Shen-less nightmare is over with the huge mid-season patch rolling...
Past the crimson fields of... wait, sorry, wrong bit.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 72: The dog days of summer updates

Justin and Bree discuss Riders of Icarus, Landmark, Age of Conan, RIFT, and Aion, with mailbag questions on FFA PvP tension and social encounters.

Crowfall shows you how you can kick down its walls

Did you ever like setting up blocks and dominos as a kid just to experience the joy of smashing them and seeing them fall...

Darkfall: New Dawn launches its public InDev server

One of the two Darkfall reboots has sort of won the race to release, as New Dawn announced this past week that it has...

The Game Archaeologist: Dark Age of Camelot

Today, we take a trip to England, but not the England of our timeline. No, this is the England-That-Could-Have-Been, the England of King Arthur,...

Massively Overthinking: The MMORPG wishes that go unfulfilled

This week's Massively Overthinking question is a short and sweet one posed by Das Tal developer Alexander Zacherl. "What's the greatest unfulfilled dream of MMO players...

Go behind the scenes of EVE Valkyrie’s carrier assault mode

EVE Valkryie is aiming to create a high-octane virtual reality experience, and one of the strongest weapons in its arsenal to provide that is...

The French arrive to save the day in World of Tanks’ console editions

Not every edition of World of Tanks is on equal footing, as content that's in one might be on its way or missing entirely...

Perfect Ten: MMO novel tie-ins

When I was a kid and only slightly more nerdy than I am today, I used to read movie novelizations like crazy. I don't...

CCP grants EVE Online players skins, skill injectors for Iceland’s Euro 2016 soccer victories

Iceland-based MMORPG studio CCP Games is getting in on the football/soccer hype this week with an in-game EVE Online promo tailored around the success...

Albion Online prepares for its final beta test phase

The end of the world is just the beginning, at least according to several movie poster taglines that we've read. And as the sun...