
PvP stands for player-vs.-player. PvP can take the form of virtual combat, economic trade, political machinations, or other competition.


Camelot Unchained discusses balance in the midst of the beta crunch

The developers behind Camelot Unchained are currently in the midst of a hard crunch to get the game's beta ready for players to, well,...

EVE Online compensates players with 200k skill points for server move downtime

EVE Online Executive Producer Andie "CCP Seagull" Nordgren has addressed EVE players in a new video posted to the official site. Nordgren apologizes for...
Camelot Unchained

Camelot Unchained passes ‘send more programmers’ stretch goal

Camelot Unchained just announced that it's passed its "$3,900,000 - Send more programmers" stretch goal, which enables City State Entertainment to hire "two additional...
THere's a big picture here that you may not be seeing.

Darkfall: Rise of Agon is now in development

Are you interested in a Darkfall reboot? No, not the official one that rewrote the game's core structure, but something throwing the game back...

The MOP Up: Top raiding guild quits World of Warcraft (February 28, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

H1Z1 is ‘regrouping and refocusing’ after split

A new H1Z1 -- or "Hizzy," to its friends -- producer's letter shares that the team is still "regrouping and refocusing" following its digital...
Well, that's a scuff.

CCP is closing down EVE Online’s official EVElopedia

EVElopedia is soon to be no more. CCP Falcon told players yesterday that CCP has decided to shut down the EVE Online resource; it'll...

The Game Archaeologist: Meridian 59

A colony founded through a magical nexus, Meridian 59 had it all going on -- until, that is, the portal to the colony collapsed...

Camelot Unchained adds persistent items and destructible buildings

As the Camelot Unchained team goes through its first -- and hopefully only -- crunch period in preparation for the title's beta test, Mark Jacobs...

Check out Crowfall’s latest world eyecandy

As Crowfall marches on in development, fans await anxiously on the sidelines for tasty tidbits of information to come their way. Yesterday, Artcraft lead environment artist...
Fight for control of meaningless space!

Three staffers depart EVE Online after huge financial year for CCP

CCP Games staff have now seemingly confirmed on Reddit that EVE Online is about to become three people poorer. EVE is losing Lead Game Designer...

Massively Overthinking: The new normal of early access MMORPGs

This week's topic comes from Massively OP reader Zadira. "Daybreak has just passed it two-year anniversary for Landmark, and it still has its early access reward options for...

Gloria Victis lets you make a guild coat of arms

How does your guild distinguish itself visually? If you're in Gloria Victis, the answer is by creating a unique-looking coat of arms. A "multilayer" coat of...
Take a shot.

Das Tal plans ‘massive’ spring alpha playtest

Das Tal's devs have a "massive" test event planned for the coming season. Fairytale Distillery says that its February sneak-peek playtests will be followed...

Valve pours millions of dollars into Counter-Strike e-sports

There's no doubt that e-sports are starting to get very big, with many of the top tournaments now supporting prize pools in the range of...

SamuTale lets you explore a sandbox world as a samurai

"Boundaries" and "limitations" are not words that the makers of SamuTale like to incorporate into their design philosophy. This upcoming sandbox MMO seems to...

League of Legends introduces mobile friend app, standardizes penalties

Why else do you play League of Legends if not to make friends? And when you attain such friends, isn't it important to be...
Just assume one of these people is Susan. I do not like Susan.

Camelot Unchained’s Mark Jacobs explains CSE’s Beta 1 ‘hard crunch’

City State Entertainment has announced on its livestream that it's entering a "hard crunch" mode to deliver RvR-centric crowdfunded MMORPG Camelot Unchained according to...
Part of your etc.

Celebrate Crowfall’s Kickstarter birthday by plastering its logo in the real world

A year ago, Crowfall ran its successful Kickstarter. Now that it's been a year, the team behind the game wants to commemorate the event,...

WildStar’s PvP plan means server consolidation on PvE worlds

WildStar Game Director Chad "Pappy" Moore has big plans for reigniting the PvP flame in the beleaguered sci-fi MMO. "Increasingly over time the majority...