
See: Perfect World Entertainment

Cool weapon.

Neverwinter hosts a stream on the state of the game

So, how are things going for Neverwinter? Probably all right? It's hard to be sure without an actual state of the game dispatch from...

The MOP Up: Aion makes a date with the Divine Fortress (January 28, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Look at it right and these guys could be the villains.

Neverwinter talks about the slice of life stories for masterwork crafters in Lost City of Omu

Whether you're into masterwork crafting in Neverwinter for items or just because you want to get more of a sense of the world beyond...

Perfect Ten: Major MMO expansions and updates to expect in 2018

Now that we're almost 1/12th of the way through 2018, it's probably about time to stop anticipating the year and start experiencing it. We...
I want to go back (go back)

Star Trek Online claims 5.2M players over its lifespan

If you haven't noticed, this month marks Star Trek Online's eight-year anniversary. There have been plenty of giveaways and events going on in the...

The Daily Grind: Where did you Marvel Heroes players scatter to after the sunset?

A couple of months ago, after we learned about the sunset of Marvel Heroes but before it actually happened early, we asked our local...

Neverwinter previews the Lost City of Omu

Lost temples. Cat lords. Trickster gods. Players who venture into Neverwinter's upcoming Lost City of Omu module are in for one wild, weird ride. Cryptic...

Champions Online introduces a new Nightmare event through February 1

My word! It's a Champions Online event! Not just an event, but a new event! We're sure that regular players of the game are...
gotta go to space

Star Trek Online hands out free ships today, but you’ll have to pay for a chance of one from Discovery

Happy Free Ship Day! This isn't us being cute; it's an actual holiday promoted by Star Trek Online every year on its anniversary. Just...

Star Trek Online offers up the Bajoran Interceptor as its crowning reward for its anniversary events

You didn't think Star Trek Online was just busting out a few giveaways for its eight-year anniversary celebration, did you? Because it's not. The...
It's a fooler.

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2018

This is, bar none, the column I hate doing most on a regular basis. None of the games I highlight in here is something...
Yikes what

Star Trek Online offers free stuff for its eight-year anniversary

It can't be right that Star Trek Online is really eight years old, can it? Eight full years of boldly going? The answer is...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 153: It’s a whole New World

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW, DDO, New World, RIFT, Elite, and ArcheAge, with a mailbag question on easing into full-scale MMO sandboxes.

The MOP Up: Monster Hunter World merch (January 14, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Star Trek Online allows you to re-engineer imperfect mods

Don't like the gear that you've slapped into your starship in Star Trek Online? Don't ditch or sell it, but instead improve it with...

Neverwinter announces Lost City of Omu for February 27; check out the new trailer!

Perfect World has just announced a new update for Dungeons and Dragons MMO Neverwinter - its first big update of the year and another...

Neverwinter launches its Sword of Chult update on consoles

Lousy PC players with their first dibs on all the Neverwinter updates. Who needs a lousy Sword of Chult anyway? Not you, you're happy...

Perfect Ten: 10 tips for crafting a unique MMO character name

Tell me if you've ever been here: You just finished spending way too much time pouring over options in the character creation screen and...
I suppose this is a problem I'm happy to complain about.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 152: Allied races and superhero sprints

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, ARK, Portal Knights, World of Warcraft, Champions Online, Fractured, Ship of Heroes, Black Desert, Elder Scrolls Online, and Life is Feudal, with mailbag questions on teaching MMO teamwork to kids and lockboxes vs. advertising.

Lockbox roundup: MMO studios on ‘elegant’ lockboxes, legal issues, and the ‘cosmetics only’ angle

You know the lockbox thing is reaching saturation when there are so many things to cover we have to resort to a roundup. Nevertheless,...