Did Guild Wars 2 just tease gliding in vanilla Tyria?
During today's Guild Wars 2 livestream, ArenaNet's Rubi Bayer demoed a video of a character flying... in what looks like Orr. Malchor's Leap, to...
ArcheAge previews the central dungeon of the Bloodsong
When a whole bunch of people start following a mysterious song to their deaths, you know that something is wrong, even in a setting...
The Oculus Rift costs a staggering $599
Did you think the Oculus Rift would be $350? Not so fast: Oculus is asking $599Â US for its sweet chunk of virtual reality equipment.
Popular Guild Wars 2 YouTuber team banned for cheating
Protip: Don't cheat in video games, especially always-online MMORPGs where the devs are actively seeking out cheaters and have a reputation for humiliating them...
Final Fantasy XIV voice actress goes missing, possibly murdered
Tragic news for Final Fantasy XIV fans this afternoon: The BBC is reporting that actress Sian Blake and her two children are believed to...
Oculus Rift will begin accepting preorders this week
All right! Who's ready to hand over what will likely be more than $350 for virtual reality equipment?
Oculus announced today that pre-orders for the...
RIFT raiding guild drama results in player suspensions
Guild Wars 2 isn't the only game to have recently been smacked with a spate of raiding guild drama: The normally unassuming MMO themepark...
First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test, part two: Crafting, gathering, and economy
On Friday, I took a look at the classes, combat, and tricky mechanics of upcoming sandboxy Korean-import Black Desert's first western closed beta test....
LOTRO Legendarium: Looking back and forwards with LOTRO
I think it is safe to say without any malice whatsoever that Lord of the Rings Online has firmly entered its autumn years.
Everything about...
Massively Overthinking: The MMO with the brightest future
Imagine you have a friend who wants to play an MMO but doesn't want to get involved in a game that's in decline or...
Tiptoeing through ArcheAge’s 2015
It has been quite a year for ArcheAge. As you look back over the past 12 months, you certainly can't say 2015 was uneventful;...
Rumor: Red 5 plans to pay Firefall staff today, but concerns linger
Last weekend's rumors of a Firefall developer pay snafu were strengthened by a Reddit-vetted anonymous Red 5 employee and other industry voices. Now, it appears that payroll...
Tree of Savior’s hairstyles cost more in-game than in real life
Bugs, shaky servers, and controversial cash shop prices are plaguing Tree of Savior's South Korean launch this week.
According to commenters, the release of Tree...
Not So Massively: Top 10 most surprising NSM stories of 2015
Back in 2011, our former corporate overlords at Massively-of-old noticed that games like League of Legends were getting pretty damn popular and asked us to work...
Warcraft movie’s Elves bring all the ears to the yard
When it comes to next year's Warcraft motion picture, we've certainly gotten our fill of seeing both Orcs and humans. But what about the...
Rumor: Alleged Firefall devs claim Red 5 missed December payroll
Rumors of Red 5 Studios' financial woes have started to look a bit more legitimate this morning.
Over the weekend, we received information from an anonymous source...
The most popular MMORPG articles of 2015
Earlier this week, we posted a rundown of the most popular MMORPG conversations of 2015, calculated by number of comments and then number of...
The most popular MMORPG conversations of 2015
One of my favorite things to do every year is look through Livefyre and round up the articles that you guys just would not...
Gigantic developer Motiga discusses delays and future updates
People who were hoping for Gigantic to hit full retail release some time this year are no doubt a wee bit disappointed that the...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Recapping Guild Wars 2 in 2015
The holiday season is well and truly upon us, so it's that most wonderful time of the year during which the Massively OP reporters...