[AL:Rev]Official Site: Revelation Online (EN)
Studio: My.com and Netease
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Asian Fantasy MMORPG
Business Model: N/A
Platform: PC
revelation online
In Revelation Online, players level when they choose to
Can a character be defined by more than just its level and gear? Revelation Online plans for exactly that, and wants to give the...
Revelation Online introduces the Ursids
The Ursids in Revelation Online are ursines of the times. They're well-known in the game world for being honest, adaptive, fond of honey, and...
Revelation Online will boast giant turtle housing
Housing is definitely becoming more accepted across the MMORPG genre, so while it may not be a surprise that the upcoming Revelation Online will...
Revelation Online offers future players a fly-through tour
You cannot actually fly through the realm of Nuanor in Revelation Online at the moment. The game's testing is scheduled to begin in the...
Revelation Online’s class trailer offers six tempting playstyles
When it comes to upcoming games, one of the most pressing questions for any player is which class he or she will choose for...
Perfect Ten: The most exciting MMO developments yet to come in 2016
In the annals of MMORPG history, 2016 might well go down as a very odd duck of a year. While on the surface it...
Revelation Online shows off the Blademaster’s moves
Last month's Revelation Online fly-through video slapped us across the face with how beautiful this upcoming game is, but is that beauty only skin-deep...
Revelation Online’s fly-through video is breathtaking
Revelation Online has a gorgeous new fly-through video out this morning. Clocking in at over five minutes long, the trailer is (almost) one long...
Revelation Online’s wardens fight on the front line against evil
Revelation Online is an incoming import that's still working to build up awareness in the west. The game not only has to make the...
Revelation Online clip demos control swapping
Upcoming MMORPG Revelation Online has a fresh video out this morning, this one on the game's three-tier control system. Be warned, though: It's possibly...
Betawatch: Paragon launches its essentials and plans for open beta (June 10, 2016)
If you're so eager to get into Paragon that you cannot wait another moment, you can buy in with the game's new Essentials Edition...
Battle Bards Episode 72: Listeners’ request anniversary
Can you believe it -- it's the third anniversary of Battle Bards already! Three years ago, Steff, Syp, and Syl joined forces to create...
Betawatch: June 19th, 2015
You could be forgiven for sort of forgetting about The Division. No matter how much it might have interested you at first, the game...
Revelation Online hits open beta today
Revelation Online is kind of a big deal if you're in its native China. It's a new MMORPG with flight, flying mounts, a beautiful...
Betawatch: June 12th, 2015
Could it be? Is Skyforge going to release soon, or go into an open beta which is indistinguishable from release? It certainly seems like...