revelation online

[AL:Rev]Official Site: Revelation Online (EN)
Studio: and Netease
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Asian Fantasy MMORPG
Business Model: N/A
Platform: PC

Bring an airtank to Revelation Online’s Sunken Galleon dungeon

Arrrr, E3 be the week pirates be centerstage for some reason, and Revelation Online just won't be left out of the fun. has...
The nightlife.

Revelation Online offers a quick tour of Sidus Ur

Most of the world of Revelation Online is not safe to explore. It's a dangerous place, and there's battle at every turn. But Sidus...

Revelation Online details all manner of guild-exclusive activities

If you want to treat your guild in Revelation Online as nothing more than a chat channel, you're missing out on a lot of...
Just reboot all along.

Revelation Online server merges are incoming (with a new server launch, too!)

Revelation Online is preparing for server merges next week, but they might not be for the reason you think. The team announced that eight US...
Yo, who the eff is this?

Revelation Online resets all server-first achievements, throws daily login campaign

Can you get another chance to be first if someone else has already grabbed that title? Apparently, Revelation Online thinks you can, thanks to...

The MOP Up: Revelation Online’s monthly challenges (June 4, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Revelation Online’s Iceborn update melts on your PC today

Revelation Online's Iceborn update is live in the game today as promised. The big draw is the faction war for level 40+ characters, along with what...

Revelation Online launches Iceborn patch and faction war next week

Revelation Online is pushing out a big update next week. Iceborn asks players to "partake in a region-wide faction war, putting aside differences and...

Revelation Online promises German and French versions by this fall

Parlez-vous français? Du sprichst Deutsch? If so, a place is being made for you in Revelation Online. The fantasy MMO announced today that French and...
There are places I remember.

Revelation Online adds Snowpine Reach to its travelogues

1 has a pair of new dev blogs out this week. The first focuses on Snowpine Reach, a snowy Alpine zone in the northeast...
Majoring in majoring, Major Major.

Revelation Online invites you to visit the Immortal Annex

The Immortal Annex in Revelation Online is a place of boundless learning, a faction devoted simply to studying, researching, learning, and never actually going...
He seems reasonable. Let's reason with him using our reason.

Revelation Online invites players to climb the Tower of Pain

There is a place in Revelation Online they call the Tower of Pain. And it's been the ruin of many an adventuring group, mostly...

Fight for peace in Revelation Online’s newest dungeon

Let's be honest: When you jump into a dungeon in an MMO, are you ever that concerned with the reasons for doing so past...

Revelation Online explains soul grid system, has Chinese anime series coming soon

Revelation Online doesn't seem to be running out of game systems to explain to players, although it's certainly a positive thing that the team...

Revelation Online’s Faerie Funland amusement park is open for business in Stardust

After a long day of annihilating species and running FedEx quests for ungrateful NPCs, one needs a stress-relieving break. For this, Revelation Online invites...

Revelation Online deals with infestation of adorable and cuddly raccoon-people

If there is a species of land animal that MMOs haven't made into a weird or adorable NPC race, developers haven't met them yet....

Revelation Online spills more details on the Faerie’s Funland in-game themepark

If you're a real-life amusement park junkie as I am, you're probably looking forward to Revelation Online's next patch with interest, even if you...

Revelation Online sells new collector packs, preps Stardust patch for April 12

Can you believe that Revelation Online has been out for a full month now? It's probably as good a time as any for the...

Stardust adds an amusement park inside Revelation Online

If you weren't sure before that Revelation Online's open beta is really a soft launch, does the fact that the game is getting a...

Revelation Online’s scour dungeons are a leveler’s best friend

Even if MMO titles look similar to past releases, we've found that there are always interesting systems and unique quirks to each game that...