Studio known primarily for Runes of Magic and Dragon’s Prophet.
runewaker entertainment
The Game Archaeologist: Myst Online Uru Live
The impact of Myst's launch in 1993 was akin to an atomic bomb going off in the PC gaming world. The leap forward in graphical...
Dragon’s Prophet EU squashes dungeon bugs
Although Dragon's Prophet was shuttered in North America last year, the game is still flapping its wings in Europe. The Spring Awakening patch 3.0.1592...
Global Chat: Wrapping up 2015 across the MMORPG blogosphere
As the final pages turn on 2015, MMO bloggers engage in a favorite pastime of recalling their best and most notable gaming experiences of...
The best MMORPG polls of 2015
Every week for the last few years, we've expanded on our "Daily Grind" theme with a Leaderboard poll. On the one hand, seeing the numbers...
Perfect Ten: MMOs you forgot existed (but are still running)
No MMO can be in the spotlight eternally. Even some of the biggest names out there -- your World of Warcrafts, your Guild Wars...
Dragon’s Prophet has shut down
It's always sad when a game shuts down. Dragon's Prophet never managed to quite find its audience in the American marketplace, and it has...
EVE Evolved: Does skillpoint trading make EVE pay-to-win?
EVE Online's realtime skill training system has been a major point of contention throughout the game's lifetime, being a boon for those with little...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 32: WildStumble
Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR, Project Gorgon, Ultima Online, WildStar, Dragon's Prophet, EQ franchise expansions, and Camelot Unchained, with mailbag questions on armchair game dev and catering to whales.
Dragon’s Prophet calls it quits in North America
The latest free-to-play fantasy MMO to call it quits is Dragon's Prophet. Daybreak and Runewaker announced today the decision to shutter the title in North...
Jukebox Heroes: My top six favorite MMO soundtracks of all time
In ranking MMO soundtracks, there are a lot of ways to do it. You can pull out individual tracks or praise a game for...
Runes of Magic creating a new chapter for 2016
It's been pretty quiet in Runes of Magic's neck of the woods this year, but that doesn't mean that Runewaker has been coasting. In...
The Game Archaeologist: Seven MMOs operating on borrowed time
Most everyone who knows me well will acknowledge that I'm not generally a cynical, dark person. I'm not rooting for games to fail, for...
Steam’s summer sale offers mad MMO deals [Updated Monday]
Prepare your wallets to go broke and your libraries to fill to the brim with games that you'll never have time to play, for...
Mo’s Egg Hunt: Deals for May 7, 2015
It's time for another exciting roundup of Newegg's best deals here on Massively Overpowered. These deals are available through the links provided below. Just remember they're...
Mo’s Egg Hunt: Deals for May 6, 2015
It's time for another exciting roundup of Newegg's best deals here on Massively Overpowered. These deals are available through the links provided below. However, it's...
Daybreak’s John Smedley: EverQuest Next isn’t ‘vaporware’
Even though the big SOE-to-Daybreak transformation happened three months ago, the entire ordeal still feels fresh to many fans. An air of uncertainty permeates speculation...
Trailer shows off today’s big Dragon’s Prophet EU update
Dragon's Prophet players in Europe have a handful of inhospitable new lands to explore filled with vicious new species to vanquish thanks to today's...