
RvR stands for “realm vs. realm,” usually a reference to faction-based player-vs.-player warfare, and frequently (though not always) in the context of more than two realms.

One Shots: Rubbing shoulders with greatness

It is hard not to feel a little awestruck when you encounter a famous face, even if it takes place inside of a game....

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Past Fate, Rulers of the Sea, Legend of Mir Eternal, Dragon Raja, Fantasy Earth Genesis

Welcome back to another roundup of MMOs and MMO-adjacent games you've (probably) never heard of - or have totally forgotten about until now! First up:...

The Daily Grind: What MMO will change its business model dramatically in 2020?

It used to be our tradition around the end of the year to speculate on which MMORPG that hadn't yet gone free-to-play would be...
Sitting around.

Crowfall’s J. Todd Coleman looks back at past progress and ahead to 2020 milestones

As we close out 2019, we all tend to get the urge to look back at past accomplishments and feel proud, even if they...
Herp to the derp.

WoW Factor: A history of itemization in World of Warcraft

Huh. You know, I really thought I'd written about the whole Corruption system in World of Warcraft's upcoming 8.3 before now in a format more...

Destiny 2’s Season of Dawn brings new activities, Exotics, and the return of Saint-14

A new season is coming to Destiny 2, and it's getting into that most wobbly of narrative devices: time manipulation. Well, even more time...

Fight or Kite: Archeage Unchained’s leveling PvP is a test of resolve and avoidance

Welcome back everyone! For those of us in the US, the Monday after our Thanksgiving holiday can be a brutal one. Sleeping in (getting...

The MOP Up: Settlers of Catan goes alternate reality

If you are anything like my family and friends, then you probably have a copy or three of Settlers of Catan in play on...

Into the Super-verse: 13 text-based superhero MMOs you can play today

As part of this column covering superhero MMORPGs, we have looked at the usual suspects: MMOs of the past (Champions Online, City of Heroes,...

Camelot Unchained’s knockback will send your heart (and torso) soaring

Just because Camelot Unchained is switching from a weekly to a monthly developer update doesn't mean that it is skimping on the news. From...
I want a milky way.

WoW Factor: A brief history of allied races (and when a grind is not a grind)

All right, calm down, this is not actually going to be done in the same format as a brief history of flight, if for no...
Full of sound and fury. Sadly.

Global Chat: Remembering the MMO fallen

A discussion chain has been rippling across the MMO blogosphere as of late, with writers reminiscing about online games that have lived and died...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO Thanksgiving 2019

Pass the cranberry sauce, we're having mashed potatoes! Oh the turkey looks great! Thank you for loving me, thank you for being there, thank you...
Those who fear darkness have never seen what the light can do.

The MOP Up: Destiny 2 worships the sun

That glowing ball of thermonuclear radiation in the sky might just mean warmth and crispy tans for you, but for Destiny 2, it is...

CitizenCon 2019: Star Citizen previews alpha 3.8, details Theatres of War, teases next star system

While the opening beats of Star Citizen's CitizenCon event may have started with some disappointment, the remainder of the event had lots of things...

Diablo III goes on a killstreak with Season 19, now live

With quite a ways to go until Diablo IV hits the scene, Diablo III will need to feed the insatiable hunger for loot piñatas...

Massively Overthinking: What MMO were you hoping to hear much more about this year?

Going through our coverage of 2019's MMOs, I realized there are a bunch of games that have previously been on our "anticipated" lists that...

Star Citizen hypes this weekend’s CitizenCon, plans new community hub and free-fly event

We're about to have another big MMO convention weekend: this one for Star Citizen, as CitizenCon begins on Saturday. But as it so often...

World of Warships players and devs are helping to rescue and repair an historic warship in real life

Oh man, this has been a rough week, and I'm so glad to be covering this instead of something bad: Cyprus-based games company Wargaming...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: When MMO lore is at odds with the game

Lore is made up. We all know that. People who write the lore for games are not doing research into the real story and...