
Sandboxes are a type of MMO that emphasize player freedom and expression. They frequently include mechanics for building, crafting, trading, character customization and development, roleplaying, destruction, and significant interaction with the world and other players. A sandbox that is dominated by an open-PvP or free-for-all ruleset is sometimes pejoratively called a gankbox. Contrast with the themepark.


Revival says it will feature ‘graphic sex’

Those of you with sex on the brain may find the latest Revival dev post enlightening. Before we get to the bumping and grinding,...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: March 21, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, SOE fans banded together and attempted to Kickstart this year's Fan Faire. You might recall that Columbus Nova...
I cannot believe dolphingate is a thing. How is reporting on this my job. How would I explain this to my grandpa. Or my grandkids when I'm old.

Trion makes amends for ArcheAge’s dolphingate

During its official ArcheAge stream earlier today, Trion Worlds explained just how it will make amends to its players for the dolphingate fallout -- dolphingate being,...
mule punchers

Pathfinder Online shows off group play video

What does it look like when you get a whole lot of players in Pathfinder Online taking on monsters, fighting one another, and milling...

EVE Fanfest 2015: Project Legion may be in development limbo

At last year's EVE Online Fanfest, developer CCP Games announced Project Legion, a complete reimagining of failed console MMOFPS DUST 514 for the PC....

Perpetuum spotted in movie trailer

It may appear only for a split-second, but Perpetuum is making its silver-screen debut in the official trailer for the movie Max. The sci-fi MMO...
And Justin weeps, silently, in the corner. No one feels bad about it.

EverQuest Next opens up the Qeynos Foundation Museum contest

EverQuest Next is getting ready to lay the groundwork for the city of Qeynos, and the design team is turning to Landmark to make...

EVE Fanfest 2015: CCP opens VR Labs, unveils four new side projects

The story of how virtual reality dogfighter EVE: Valkyrie was born is a great indicator of shifts within the games industry. While the big...

Trion says it ‘missed the mark’ with ArcheAge promotion

Yesterday's revelation that Trion was handing out significant gifts to former ArcheAge players to entice them to return to the game -- gifts in...

Massively Overthinking: Making MMOs ‘sticky’ without vertical progression

Today's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter backer Jersey C, who asks, If you were asked to design an MMORPG without vertical progression...

Elite: Dangerous starts Mac beta test on March 31st

Mac Elite: Dangerous fans who are feeling grounded while their PC brothers and sisters are cruising the stars will soon have their own chance...

Das Tal is considering a buy-to-play model

After a careful consideration of the pros and cons of various business models, including those of Crowfall, Guild Wars 2 and ArcheAge, the Das...

EVE Fanfest 2015: EVE is getting customisable structures and player-built stargates

It's often said that EVE Online is ultimately built by its players and that the developer's job is to produce the tools for players...

EverQuesting: Celebrating EQ’s 16th year

Happy birthday, sweet sixteen! That's the song going through the air this week as EverQuest celebrates its latest claim to fame: membership in an...

The Stream Team: Getting spacey in Landmark

If you think everything about Landmark is fantasy, think again! We've seen planes, trains, and even some automobiles in this sandbox. Now MassivelyOP's MJ wants...

ArcheAge patrons perturbed at Trion’s gift to former players

When's the last time we had a good ArcheAge controversy? Actually who cares, because Trion has stepped up to the plate with a new...
EVE Valkyrie

CCP releases new EVE: Valkyrie trailer at Fanfest

Space combat fans, you'll want to have a look at the new Valkyrie trailer released at EVE Fanfest 2015 this week. It was captured...

EVE Fanfest 2015 begins, promises new VR tech and huge EVE reveal

It's the time of year again when EVE Online fans and developers from around the world make the annual pilgrimage to a frozen volcanic...
Can't imagine why.

EVE Online adds buddy invites to trial accounts

EVE Online, like many MMOs, is best enjoyed with a friend, if for no other reason than to have at least one other person...

Origins of Malu begins early access on March 20th with PvP only

Origins of Malu will be launching its early access program this Friday, March 20th, with a buy-to-play hybrid model. The indie sandbox will initially...