

Black Desert players explode over plan to allow cash shop items on the in-game market

Did you hear that noise? It's the sound of Black Desert players flipping tables. "Game went from FFXIV to ArcheAge in span of 2...
A whole new wait, no, not doing this song, never mind.

TERA is assessing interest in that rumored console port

Back in May, TERA's South Korean publisher confirmed that the MMORPG was destined for console ports to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 -- at...

What drives Star Citizen’s superbackers to spend $10,000 or more

By now, Star Citizen's crowdfunding success is quite well-known. But perhaps what isn't common knowledge is that there is a group of players --...
Still proud of this shot.

Perfect Ten: The ten things I look forward to with MMO launches

It's not long now until World of Warcraft: Legion launches, which is all that I've been waiting for now for a while. Sure, technically...

The Stream Team: SWTOR’s Battle of Rishi

MassivelyOP's MJ and Larry are closing in on Revan, but first they must wade into the war he orchestrated. The duo are wrapping up...

Global Chat: When MMORPG raiding becomes a job

When does a game go from fun to obligation? Xenophics wrote a gut-wrenching confession about how raiding in World of Warcraft became his "office,"...
This is actually much better than I expected.

Battle Bards Episode 79: Combat music

Ready to battle it out more than usual? The Battle Bards are cranking up the combat tunes from MMORPGs today, inviting all sorts of...

SWTOR wants to make your lockbox experience better

How do you feel about opening lockboxes? Is there anything MMO devs can do to make you feel less like you just emptied your wallet...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 76: The fall of Firefall

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Legion, Guild Wars 2, SOTA, SWTOR, Firefall, StarCraft Universe, Age of Wushu 2, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on early MMO adoption and permadeath in MMOs.

Hyperspace Beacon: Five reasons I still play Star Wars: The Old Republic

It’s hard not to be negative about your favorite game when it appears that it’s changing its original goals. “What? You’re just now realizing...

Space pirates abound in WildStar’s newest raid

No matter where you go, no matter what games genre lines you cross, no matter how landlocked you become, sooner or later you will...

One Shots: Topless edition

We must warn you that this week's One Shots will be headlined by naked flesh from the waist on up. If you are reading...

The Daily Grind: What would you change about your main character?

One of the drawbacks to investing in a huge chunk of time into a single character in most MMORPGs is finding out down the...

Star Trek Online starts selling incredibly expensive outfits

Looking for a recipe for instant Star Trek Online community controversy? Add something, anything to the in-game store. Bam. You're welcome. This week's particular brouhaha...

Perpetuum Online introduces ‘bulletstorm glass-ninja’ robots

The battlefront of Perpetuum Online is about to crank it up to 11 -- 11 new robots, that is. A wave of Syndicate robots...

BioWare to close all game forums except SWTOR’s

BioWare is shutting down its game forums... except those for Star Wars: The Old Republic. The studio told fans of its Dragon Age, Mass...

Star Citizen’s new season of Around the Verse shakes up the format

Season three of Star Citizen's long-running Around the Verse series is kicking off this week with a special guest: Chris Roberts himself. Roberts joins regular...

Mark Kern to Ember followers: ‘I feel a profound sense of responsibility for what happened to Firefall’

In the wake of the apparent complete emptying of the Red 5 Studios offices this week, former Firefall founder Mark Kern is forging ahead...
Gothier than thou.

The Daily Grind: How important are MMORPG playerbase metrics to you?

While playing Overwatch with guildies the other night, my husband turned to me with a hypothetical. The guys were speculating on World of Warcraft's...

Massively Overthinking: Starting over with MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic is from a reader named Yasser, who asked us: "If you had to pick one MMO to experience all over...