
New Humble Bundle includes deals on WildStar, Neverwinter, Path of Exile, and more

A new Humble Bundle promotion might just be the best deal you're going to see all year on MMOs. The "Humble Gamepedia Online Multiplayer...

Hyperspace Beacon: What SWTOR’s latest chapter, Anarchy in Paradise, is really about

If you think that SWTOR’s chapter 10 Anarchy in Paradise is about Kaliyo Djannis, you’re wrong. Kaliyo stars in the chapter, and she can...

The mystery of BioWare’s new online IP

The studio behind Star Wars: The Old Republic is working on a brand-new IP -- and everyone is dying to know what it is. A...
da da da da da da

How Star Wars: The Old Republic’s class stories were made

The Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline means that the player characters of Star Wars: The Old Republic have come a long way from...

BBC investigates ‘mind-boggling’ Star Citizen project

Star Citizen's $108M (and growing) crowdfunded budget is large enough that it is attracting the attention of many outside the sphere of games journalism. In...
It's been quiet.

Elite: Dangerous offers its Arena as a standalone product

You know what you find interesting in Elite: Dangerous. It's not exploring, it's not mining, it's not missions, it's just getting into close quarters...

The Daily Grind: Do cutscenes in MMORPGs annoy you?

The last few months, I've been playing a lot of Diablo III, and last week I jumped into Devilian. One thing both games do...

The Stream Team: Monday mayhem in MechWarrior Online

If Monday isn't one of your favorite days, why not make it better by shooting the snot out of some enemy mechs? MassivelyOP's MJ...

Destiny Mega Bloks, event compensation, and leveling shenanigans

Howsabout a Destiny news threesome this afternoon? First, Bungie is teaming up with Mega Bloks for a series of Destiny toy sets this year. Family Gamer...

EVE player uses $28,000 of skill injectors to create max character

We recently brought you the story of EVE Online player Stromgren who had bought almost $7,000 worth of skill injectors to become the highest-skilled character...

The MOP Up: Anarchy Online opens its Reck room (February 14, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Hard tack and bottomless grog

This week marks a small change-up in how we do things here at One Shots. Prompted by a suggestion from one of our readers,...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO podcasts

Podcasts are certainly splendid means of feeding one's MMO interests and keeping in touch with the news and community. It's always great to hear...

Interview: The Repopulation’s lead dev on its new engine and survival spin-off Fragmented

Following Above & Beyond Technologies' January announcement that it was solving The Repopulation's HeroEngine crisis by getting the heck away from HeroEngine, we spoke...

Grimm: Dark Legacy is a multiplayer prequel to the TV show

Fans of NBC's Grimm might be excited to learn that the station has commissioned an online multiplayer spin-off that's coming soon called Grimm: Dark...
Well, whose fault is that?

Star Wars: The Old Republic is launching the next story chapter on March 10th

With the tenth chapter of Knights of the Fallen Empire available to players of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the question on every player's...

Massively Overthinking: The best government for an MMO guild

This week's question comes to us from Das Tal developer Alexander Zacherl, who says his team is in the process of implementing a direct...

EVE Online player buys nearly $7,000 worth of skill injectors

EVE Online's passive skill training system lets players slowly accumulate skill points over time, and until recently there was no way to actively skip ahead...

NCsoft Q4 2015: Sales surge for Guild Wars 2, bump for WildStar

NCsoft's fourth quarter 2015 financial report is in. The Korean gaming giant reports that its quarter-over-quarter sales, operating profit, and net income are all up,...

Battlestar Galactica Online celebrates fifth anniversary with free gifts

Sit back, let that headline sink in, and try to stop yourself from quietly muttering, "Five years? That game is still around?" Yes indeed, Battlestar...