One Shots: Resting up for the Dawntrail ahead
With a huge new storyline coming to Final Fantasy XIV, you know it's important to prepare your catdude for the journey ahead. I'm talking...
One Shots: …and that’s how I became hoarse
While you may be completely freaked out when confronting an enemy six times your size, it's important not to show fear. In fact, one...
One Shots: From sunrise to sunset
When the sun peeks over the horizon and another promising day is upon the MMORPG traveler, certain protocols are to be observed. Potions are...
One Shots: Infinity pool of Tamriel
Bree's steamy overdose of hot tubs last week drew out one commenter to share another cool-looking pool in an MMO. If you thought infinity...
One Shots: Pollen attack!
There are many ways to kill a man. A dagger in the back. A sifter full of poison. A smothering pillow. A duel at...
One Shots: Murderhobo and the Moon
Do you ever wonder what the last thing you'll ever see in this world before you bite the big one? I just hope it's...
One Shots: Where are my draaaaaagons?
Despite what certain platinum blondes might tell you, nobody owns dragons. At best, you can rent one from Home Depot for some light yard...
One Shots: Slice me a chunk of that moon cheese, would ya
You have to love the absolute hubris of Jedi in Star Wars because there's no object that they don't think they can levitate, smash,...
One Shots: What am I looking at here?
Sometimes a screenshot ends up in my lap that I stare at for a long time and still have no idea what's going on...
One Shots: The mosh pit of friendship
I don't know about you, but when I get together with 75 of my closest friends, I like to crowd right up on them...
One Shots: Sky control to Major Tom
I have to imagine that there's no more stressful job in a galaxy far, far away than being an air traffic controller for Coruscant....
One Shot: Surveying my domain
Good day, captain! Now that you've been beamed down by your mutinous crew and marooned on an ice planet, you might as well enjoy...
One Shots: A heated meeting
What are two words that delight you to hear as a child in school but terrify you as an adult? "Field trip!"
Rose can attest...
One Shots: Fine dining at the end of the world
When the moon is crashing down into the ocean to cause tsunamis, earthquakes, firestorms, and a mass extinction-level event, what is there to do...
One Shots: A beacon for a new year
Welcome to 2024 everyone! Please put your carry-ons safely underneath your seats, secure your kobold companions, and don't hesitate to light a big ball...
The 2023 One Shots Awards: The best MMO screenshots of the year
It doesn't feel quite right to end the year without making sure that everything's in order -- and part of that definitely includes returning...
One Shots: Undies flapping in the wind
If the internet has taught me anything -- and it hasn't, I'm stubborn -- it's that you want to check what's behind you for...
One Shots: Come on and give us a hug!
Normally I'm all about hugs. Hugs make you feel accepted and protected and -- on a cold day -- allow you to leech heat...
One Shots: Entering the portal to adventure
I'll never get tired of that tiny thrill of rolling a new character and getting that sense of taking the first steps of a...
One Shots: Fishing for a compliment
When life's moving a little too fast in your MMORPG, maybe it's time to take a break, dig out the ol' rod-and-reel, and pluck...