standing stone games

American studio known primarily for Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online.

The scholar sees when you do not index things, and he is not impressed.

End-of-year Eleven: The best value MMORPGs at the end of 2023

I have been told that if I start another one of these columns musing on the abstract meaning of "value" as I have for...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best player community as of 2023?

"Best community" is one of our recurring Daily Grind topics every year, and I always stick it on Christmas because I can't stand the...

MassivelyOP’s 2023 Golden Yachties: Best Worst MMO Mascot

Welcome back to MassivelyOP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards as we present our award for Best Worst MMO Mascot. Yes, it's the Golden Yachties series, named...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MOP articles of 2023

Every year, we pick out a bunch of narrative arcs and stories that dominated the headlines and emotions of the MMORPG genre, and it...

LOTRO’s executive producer hints at 2024 plans with more Umbar zones and new legendary servers

Lord of the Rings Online players won't have to wait until early 2024's producer's letter to find out all of the details of what's...
New World ROTAE

End-of-Year Eleven: The best MMO expansions and updates of 2023

If you want to look at the overall health of the MMORPG industry, one vital heartbeat that must not be missed is continual development....

Lord of the Rings Online apparently once considered non-combat classes

With Christmas and New Years looming in the near future, Standing Stone Games is getting ready to send its devs on a well-deserved holiday...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best advances in crafting in 2023?

For today's Daily Grind, I am not asking you which MMO has the best crafting of all time. That game is dead and lives...

LOTRO Legendarium: Recapping Lord of the Rings Online’s crazy-busy 2023

Sixteen pages. Sixteen pages is how far back I had to flip through Lord of the Rings Online's news feed here at Massively OP...

DDO releases a free player-designed quest dungeon as LOTRO slashes craft quest cooldowns

Before Dungeons and Dragons Online rings in the new year, this fantasy MMO is determined to make the rest of 2023 as memorable as...

The Stream Team: Blowing up a blockade in Dungeons & Dragons Online

War waits for no one! Except in DDO, where the assault on Stormreach had to pause until Massively OP's MJ could get back to...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2024

It's time once again for the MOP staff and readers to engage in our favorite end-of-the-year MMO: collectively guessing what's going to happen next...

Lord of the Rings Online opens the doors to Corsairs of Umbar’s crafting guilds

Standing Stone Games is playing some catch-up with Lord of the Rings: Corsairs of Umbar's feature list before the holiday break. Last week, it...

One Shots: Entering the portal to adventure

I'll never get tired of that tiny thrill of rolling a new character and getting that sense of taking the first steps of a...

Lord of the Rings Online’s Yuletide Festival is live

Yesterday was Halloween, today is Christmas. That's how it feels like, at least, and Lord of the Rings Online is doing nothing to dissuade...

Vague Patch Notes: Waiting for the MMORPG endings that are never coming

It took some real courage for Naoki Yoshida to get up and announce that Final Fantasy XIV was ending. After an enormously successful run,...

Lord of the Rings Online adds more quests and missions to Corsairs of Umbar

Just when you think you've got a corsair cornered and out of options, he'll surprise you with a trick or two up his sleeve....
There are problems with this art, but we're going to overlook that.

End-of-year Eleven: The healthiest live MMOs at the end of 2023

When it comes to making a judgment call about the "healthiest" MMORPGs on the market at any given time, there are always plenty of...
You only remember these people when someone dies.

Global Chat: Why does CCP keep trying to make EVE shooters?

We're not the only ones who keep wondering why CCP continues to push for an FPS game set in the EVE Online universe. Long-time...
New Year's EVE

The Daily Grind: What was the best event in the MMO genre in 2023?

We used to run this Daily Grind as an award but canned it when we had a hard time summoning enough really stellar events...