star wars

– Star Wars Galaxies
– Star Wars: The Old Republic


Fortnite will host exclusive Star Wars Rise of Skywalker scene at its in-game theater

Fortnite continues its run of Star Wars transmedia synergy with an exclusive broadcast of a scene from the upcoming Star Wars: The Rise of...
I'm not sure which set of CGI looks better. That's not good.

The Daily Grind: What MMO deserves its own movie or TV show?

In going through our annual posts ahead of our December awards and whatnot, I noticed a bunch of stories about movies and TV shows...

The MOP Up: Mortal Online’s meaning of Christmas

What is Christmas like in a brutal and bloody sandbox MMORPG? To answer that, you'll need to head to Mortal Online for a first-hand...

Global Chat: Crafting is just the worst, Britta!

Advance warning: If you like crafting in MMOs, then you best not read the latest post from Contains Moderate Peril, who is not quite...

One Shots: Rubbing shoulders with greatness

It is hard not to feel a little awestruck when you encounter a famous face, even if it takes place inside of a game....

The Stream Team: Friday night fun mocking the king in SWTOR

Mock the king! Mock the king! If ever there were a motto for Massively OP's Larry and MJ's Onslaught adventures in SWTOR, this is...
Everything old is... well, it's actually still old.

Star Wars: The Old Republic plans eighth anniversary and Life Day festivities

It is perhaps mildly ironic that Star Wars: The Old Republic is now getting rather old in and of itself, since the game is passing...
Here we go.

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO surprises of 2019

After 10 years of covering MMORPG news, I can assure you that I am still fired up to keep doing this. One of the...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever play MMOs in synergistic pairs?

I've noticed a pattern in my MMO play the last year or so. Ever since jumping into Star Wars Galaxies Legends last year, I've...

One Shots: We are all bullies

Let us face the sad, sobering truth of our MMORPG experiences today. While we may like to think that we are noble heroes saving...
We handled this.

Massively Overthinking: Gratitude for the MMO genre

Thanksgiving conveniently falls on a Thursday every year, which means it's the perfect topic for our regular Thursday Massively Overthinking roundtable. I've asked our writers what they're grateful for in and around the MMO genre the last couple of years - and now we're gonna do it again.
Full of sound and fury. Sadly.

Global Chat: Remembering the MMO fallen

A discussion chain has been rippling across the MMO blogosphere as of late, with writers reminiscing about online games that have lived and died...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue server drops new mini-themepark for quest fiends

The November patch for community-run rogue server Star Wars Galaxies Legends dropped last week, and it's a bit of a hodge-podge of fixes, with...
Be better.

Vague Patch Notes: Sub-optimal play vs. just plain bad play in MMORPGs

Something we need to start reckoning with when it comes to MMOs is the fact that it really is a problem when you're playing...

Roblox’s latest event taps some Star Wars Rise of Skywalker transmedia synergy

All the Star Wars things, please! That's what Roblox is dishing up right now. The kid-centered building MMO partnered with no less than Disney...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: When MMO lore is at odds with the game

Lore is made up. We all know that. People who write the lore for games are not doing research into the real story and...

MMO Burnout: Exploring EA’s new Star Wars title, Jedi Fallen Order

It’s impossible to understate how much cultural influence Star Wars had on kids born in the ’70s. One of my first movie-going memories includes...

Global Chat: EverQuest II’s 15 years of being in WoW’s shadow

For just a few short weeks of its now 15-year lifespan, EverQuest II existed apart from a launched World of Warcraft. Then late November...

Today in transmedia synergy: Fortnite’s cash shop is now vending Star Wars stormtrooper outfits

Look, if at this point you're not doing something Star Warsy in your video game, you're just doing games wrong. Most studio are gonna...

Vague Patch Notes: MMO grind is good (except when it isn’t)

Some of my fondest memories of World of Warcraft involve Adam Sandler and the Badlands. My wife and I had a pretty steady tradition made out...