
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

All right!

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Dragon’s Quest X’s soundtrack

While just about everyone knows about Square Enix's ashes-to-glory story with Final Fantasy XIV, what often goes unnoticed is that the company runs a...
Bless this hot mess.

EVE Online improves star and wormhole textures along with several UI improvements

If you're still using lower shader quality on EVE Online (perhaps you're running the game on extremely outdated hardware as a form of protest), stars...
Even when that emotional connection is being violently severed.

World of Warcraft fans toast the game’s 15th anniversary

As we head into the fall and World of Warcraft's official 15th anniversary, you best believe that Blizzard is going to be milking this...

One Shots: Familiar and welcome lands

Welcome back home! That feels like the sentiment that WoW Classic gave when it launched recently. Players absolutely swarmed to these servers, many of...
Not this.

The Game Archaeologist: Is it worth the hassle to update graphics in older MMOs?

"I'd play this game again if the graphics were updated." "If they re-released this game with modern graphics, it would be way more popular." "The Game...

Final Fantasy XIV teams up with Pusheen for even more cat antics than normal

We all know that Final Fantasy XIV is a game of cats. Sure, it's also a game of rabbits, lizards, and very occasionally dragons, but first...

The Soapbox: There is no MMO that can fix a broken MMO community

We've heard again and again how the recently launched World of Warcraft: Classic was going to "fix" the MMO community by stripping away modern...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW (Classic) Factor: The journal of Nieve Vinther – second entry

It has now been the better part of a week since my unexpected sojourn into the path, and for most of that week my...

Leaderboard: Does Guild Wars 2 need another expansion?

If you've followed NCsoft's quarterly investor reports for the last many years, you've probably seen dozens graphs of Guild Wars 2's revenues and the...

WoW Classic opens more servers for transfer, addressing layer switching

Blizzard is continuing to open up opening up character transfers for WoW Classic to allow folks who rolled on overloaded shards to get the heck off....

EVE Online studio CCP Games confirms it’s still working on an unannounced MMORPG

For the last couple of years, we've been getting little teases from EVE Online company CCP Games that it's working on yet another MMORPG,...

First impressions of WoW Classic – from a total World of Warcraft newbie

The gaming world is abuzz with excitement over World of Warcraft Classic. Players around the world are gushing with nostalgia over this trip back...

WoW Classic: Character transfers, new realms, Twitch records, and most popular classes

If you thought that the second week of WoW Classic's operation would be any less hectic than the first, you're in for some disappointment....
Good car, bad game.

Final Fantasy XIV is experimenting with social media support through November

If you've got an issue with your Final Fantasy XIV account, you have another way of getting support through November 29th. Square-Enix has announced the...
Very mature.

World of Warcraft: Classic’s inevitable goldsellers are using modern chat functions to advertise

Gold selling isn't nearly as much of a thing on modern World of Warcraft like it used to be; the existence of the WoW Token...

Here are the realms WoW Classic is opening up for transfer – and the three new servers opening too

Last night, Blizzard announced something it'd previously said it didn't want to do: It's opening up character transfers for WoW Classic so that players...

Camelot Unchained has managed to stop making characters stick to one another

When we talk about making an MMO feel sticky, we don't actually want people in-game to stick to us. Luckily, neither do the folks...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 236: Guild Wars 2’s dragons and Vikings

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW Classic, ArcheAge Unchained, PlanetSide Arena, Peria Chronicles, SWTOR, Conan Chop Chop, Last Oasis, Caravan Stories, and Champions Online, with a mailbag question on improving boring MMO tasks.
Please come back.

World of Warcraft: Classic is opening up free character moves in the near future

Please, people, if you are on a congested realm in World of Warcraft: Classic, please move off of it. That's the implicit plea in...
I've got a lot of problems with you people!

Final Fantasy XIV’s second anniversary story follows the path of Estinien’s travels

The anniversary fiction for Final Fantasy XIV is as much of a tradition as the actual in-game event for the rising, and this year is...