Official Site: Ultima Online
Studio: Broadsword Entertainment/EA (formerly Mythic)
Launch Date: September 24, 1997
Genre: Isometric Fantasy Sandbox
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
ultima online
The Game Archaeologist: Five eye-opening videos about the MMORPG genre
When it comes to tracking down history for MMOs, I've found that there are an array of sources at hand that have preserved (unwittingly...
The Daily Grind: What theme song best represents your main MMORPG character?
In yesterday's Black Desert column, MOP's Matt Daniel joked about MMORPG mods that allow roleplayers to share their characters' profiles, right down to their theme songs. He...
Ultima Online’s cash shop is now in-game
Ultima Online has had a cash shop for a long time. I mean a really long time. I mean since at least the early...
The Daily Grind: How long do you expect a 2016 MMORPG to live?
One of the many features touted by Chronicles of Elyria is a 10-year storyline, over the span of which your characters will "die" probably 10...
Massively Overthinking: Playing the game of timers in MMOs
Massively OP reader The Chief Turtle recently sent us a question that I think ties in neatly to the daily quests Overthinking we discussed a few...
Linkrealms launches Steam early access today
Linkrealms is launching into Steam early access today. If you're thinking, "Hasn't that game been around for a long time?" know that you're not...
Ultima Online tests invasion quest, teases future content
It's May, so that means it's time to start planning for Halloween, right? Well, maybe if you're Ultima Online. In the game's latest newsletter,...
One Shots: You put a spell on me
One of the very few MMORPGs that my wife and I ever played together was Wizard101, and I think most of that time involved...
The Daily Grind: What’s been your biggest MMORPG mistake or regret?
I don't like listing off my mistakes and regrets in MMORPGs, but I do have them. I made a giant fool out of myself...
Massively Overthinking: The sandbox MMORPG disconnect
This week's Massively Overthinking was inspired by a reader who decided to go by Sandboxless in Seattle when he penned this note of frustration to us.
PAX East 2016: Richard Garriott discusses Shroud of the Avatar’s ‘launch’ and future
It might seem as if Shroud of the Avatar has been in early access for a very long time, probably because it has. Technically, it's...
The MOP Up: Richard Garriott’s new book (April 24, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
The Daily Grind: Is there an MMORPG class type you can’t stand playing?
For me, it's rogues. Ug.
It's bizarre because I adore rogues, thieves, and especially stealth archers in single-player roleplaying games. There's never been an Elder...
Massively Overthinking: Reconsidering the MMORPG daily quest
The word evokes pure hatred from some corners of the MMORPG world. And yet games without dailies are dinged for not having enough content...
Working As Intended: Busting up the MMORPG nostalgia party
Last week, a clever Massively OP commenter, SC_Deadline, neatly summed up the ongoing Nostalrius emulator shutdown as Blizzard "bust up someone's nostalgia party," which...
Ultima Online rejects F2P rumors, says Steam launch has been held up by EA
If you were waiting to try Ultima Online when it launches on Steam as devs have been promising for over a year now since...
Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG classes
Nostalgia has me this week: I've been thinking a lot about some of my all-time favorite MMORPG characters, some of whom I can't physically play anymore...
The Game Archaeologist: The Wish that wasn’t
First of all, "wish" is one of those words that ends up looking dang strange the more you focus on it. Wish, wish, wish,...
Massively Overthinking: The best newbie systems in MMORPGs
One thing I've realized from my time in Black Desert so far is than even for a die-hard sandbox fan, the introduction is pretty...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 56: Ghillie nation
Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert, Marvel Heroes, The Division, VR, Landmark, Crowfall, EVE, and Tree of Savior, with mailbag questions on pay-to-win and Black Desert hype.