
Guild Wars 2’s ‘movie monster’ Necromancer spec outlined

Did you miss Guild Wars 2's Points of Interest stream on Friday? Me too. Every game seems to stream on Friday, and it's hard...

One Shots: Nothing to see here, move along

Do you ever stop to realize just how much weirdness we see and dismiss every day as MMO gamers? If a fraction of the...
Mortal Online

Mortal Online is getting a new continent this weekend

Mortal Online is getting a new continent this Sunday. It's called Sarducca, and it's home to a bunch of soldier fanatics who are loyal...

Camelot Unchained’s Friday update talks blowing stuff up

Mark Jacobs has posted Camelot Unchained's traditional Friday update. In it, he thanks a couple of backers for their gifts to the team, and...

World of Warcraft dev attributes subscriber drop to ‘cyclical’ play patterns

Losing three million subscribers? That might be a big thing to some people, but for World of Warcraft Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas, it...

DC Universe Online: Halls of Power II and the end of DLC

If you are not a subscriber to DC Universe Online, you're still sitting back on the sidelines anticipating the release of Halls of Power Part...

Gloria Victis prepares to pull the trigger on Unity 5

Those anticipating Gloria Victis' glorious transformation into the new Unity 5 game engine won't have long to wait at all. Black Eye Games said...
GTA Online

Quick tips for maximizing your GTA Online fun

I've been playing GTA Online for 50-something hours now, and while I'm by no means an expert, I'm a lot smarter about the game...

Age of Conan adds a bear mount and quest line for seventh anniversary

It's shaping up to be one doozy of a month for Age of Conan as the title celebrates its seventh birthday. In the May...

WoW Factor: A three million loss lesson

It's been a little while, hasn't it, friends? In the time since I last penned WoW Factor (which missed an installment purely due to...

Massively Overthinking: What would persuade you to play a classic MMO?

For this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter donor Sargon wants us think back to 1997, when Ultima Online launched and parted MMOs from graphical MUDs forever....

Dofus overhauls creaky crafting system

There are revamps and then there are revamps, if you know what we mean. Dofus is clearly not messing around when it announced that...

Survarium reverses its disastrous server merge

Even though they may be feared, server merges are a fact of life in many MMOs. One such merge came this past April in...

Nexon revenues rise in early 2015

After reading through Nexon's financial report for Q1 2015, one can imagine the company skipping along while whistling a merry tune. Yes, it's generally...

EverQuesting: Life after Landmark’s big wipe

It was just over a week ago that Landmark's servers went offline in preparation for a major upheaval that affected nearly every system in...
Dungeons? Check. Dragons? Check. What else could need changing?

Neverwinter outlines new and upcoming changes

When lead designer Scott Shicoff took point on Neverwinter, his first dispatch to the community was a statement that he and the rest of...

The Repopulation adds diplomacy minigame with new patch

Wait, there are other ways to resolve conflict with in-game NPCs than to stab large holes in their torsos? The Repopulation seems to think...

Raph Koster used MMO design to help revitalize a bar trivia game

You might know Raph Koster from his MMO legacy as a designer on Ultima Online or Star Wars Galaxies, or perhaps from his current...

Heroes of the Storm devs talk Kael’Thas and character design

Wondering how Blizzard's developers choose from the studio's incredible roster of characters and then crafted those selections into Heroes of the Storm's champions? Then...

Neverwinter cracks 1.6M players on Xbox One

If you're looking for Neverwinter's true success story, it might not be on the PC at all. Cryptic Studios announced today that ever since...