
Steam company known primarily to MMO players for the Dota franchise.

MMO Year in Review: Ashes of Creation vs. Wild West Online (May 2017)

We’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into...

Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding news of 2017

Welcome to a special edition of Make My MMO, Massively OP's regular recap of what's going on in crowdfunded MMOs, which we do specifically...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2018

With 2017 drawing to a close and 2018 rushing up to meet us, the Massively OP team has regrouped for another round of bold...

The MMOs of the Steam winter 2017 sale

Another December, another Steam sale to entice you to spend money on games you don't have time to play just to have them for...

Snag a Wild Buster trial key from InselGames and Massively OP!

If you watched "gritty sci-fi hack'n'slash MMOARPG" Wild Buster launch last week and considered giving it a go but hadn't quite pulled the trigger, then today's...

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has officially launched today; are you playing?

Conventional wisdom says you probably shouldn't launch a blockbuster video game four days before Christmas, but then conventional wisdom never met PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, which...

The Stream Team: Get a free first look at Valnir Rok

One of the new survival sandboxes that Massively OP's MJ has been eager to try is Valnir Rok. And thanks a free day in...

Citadel Forged With Fire is adding a full-fledged farming system next year

Early access MMO Citadel Forged With Fire has a fun teaser for 2018 up on Steam this week for all you secret hobbits: The...

Conan Exiles nixes pre-holiday Xbox One patch, says achievements are a go

Move over, snowscapes and festive trees: Conan Exiles is busy with volcanoes and jungles! "Work is progressing on the volcano and jungle we’ve been teasing...
This will be helpful.

LawBreakers is actually getting a holiday sale and event

LawBreakers just isn't giving up. In spite of an apparently slumped player population and the exit of one of its founders, the shooter is...

The Stream Team: Happy launch day Wild Terra!

It's a great day when a game launches! And today's that day for Wild Terra. That means Massively OP's MJ gets to go in...

Survivalbox roundup: CSGO’s survival mode, Astroneer’s alpha, Osiris New Dawn’s Zer, and ARK’s Ragnarok

Welcome back to another fast look at what the survivalboxes are up to! We've got tidbits from ARK, CSGO, Astroneer, and Osiris: New Dawn. First...

Wild Terra officially launches out of early access today

It's a big day for Wild Terra, as the indie isometric sandbox we've been watching for years is officially launching today on Steam. No...

Legends of Aria faces down closed beta testing

Ultima Online spiritual successor Legends of Aria is preparing to go through a major transition over the new year as it winds down its...

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Rogalia, Lazarus, Dead Maze, We Ride, and SOS

Welcome back to our intermittent series on MMOs and other multiplayer games you you’ve never heard of! Let's run down five more floating to the...

Mabinogi doles out chain slash weapons while Hyper Universe offers free play weekend

You know how your parents told you never to play with knives? Well, they never said anything about long whips with razor blades on...
Why is this world.

Duke Nukem and Serious Sam headline Wild Buster’s early access

Hack-and-slash Wild Buster is here to kick butt and chew gum -- and it's all out of gum. InselGames' MMOARPG entered Steam early access today,...

Gaming industry roundup: SWBG2’s poor sales, Gambling Commission, slot machines, and parody games

Don't agree that lockboxes, lootboxes, and gambleboxes were the biggest story of the year? We've collected so many news tidbits just on that over...

Titan Quest lives on in current-gen consoles

To be completely honest with you, I never really thought that we would be reporting in 2017 about a Diablo clone that released in...
Oh. All right.

Wild Terra announces launch for December 18th

'Tis the season for surprise launches, fa la la la and so on. Wild Terra is officially launching on December 18th, bringing the game...