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Fan-made video shows off the importance of online connections in Final Fantasy XIV

Let's be direct. Even if you have never played Final Fantasy XIV, you should probably watch this new short film from Toitoi Pictures entitled...

Sony provides in-depth details of the PlayStation 5’s specs

While the proof is often in the pudding in terms of seeing actual games run on the hardware, many people still put a lot...

The Stream Team: Raiding SWTOR datacrons on Quesh and Ilum

Massively OP's Larry and MJ are starting to run out of datacrons to hunt in SWTOR. What will they do when all their crazy...

RuneScape offers more Archaeology details and confirms the return of the Yak Track

Oh man, I almost got away with not seeing the gaggle of RuneScape updates, but then Bree gave me the puppy dog eyes and...
Bad guys. Duh.

Fortnite’s latest update adds helicopters and a Spy Games LTM

There's been an update to Fortnite this week and it's brought with it a variety of updates and new features including the addition of...

Black Desert brings a spring event and more anniversary celebrations to PC, Maehwa class to console

If you like your Black Desert with a whole lot of little in-game events, then the most recent update to the MMORPG on PC...
Leaf it up.

Nexon is sunsetting MapleStory 2 after less than two years online

Ah damn, we really didn't need more bad news right about now. But it's here all the same: Nexon officially announced this afternoon that...

Desert Oasis: How Pearl Abyss can guarantee Shadow Arena succeeds

Hands down, Shadow Arena is my favorite battle royale. But just because I've written so many glowing words of accolades for the game does...

Overwatch drops origin story video for its next playable hero, Echo

Blizzard's been teasing a new Overwatch character for a while now - in fact, we first heard of this one way back in 2018,...

Enter to win a sweet Maplestory Pink Bean gaming chair from Nexon and MOP!

Do you hear that sobbing in the background? It's the sound of Massively OP's Carlo weeping over the fact that we're about to give...

Hearthstone unveils the Demon Hunter class and new expansion as part of the Year of the Phoenix

During Blizzard's livestream yesterday, Hearthstone made a number of big reveals as part of a 2020 showcase, unveiling among other things content and updates...

The Stream Team: Ending Ill Omens in Lord of the Rings Online

LOTRO's Ill Omens event is ending, and Massively OP's MJ wants to gather a few more tokens. That means she's heading into a number...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Visions of the Past Steel and Fire

Just three short months ago, ArenaNet teased us in its 2020 content preview for Guild Wars 2 with a new type of story content...

Daybreak, Cryptic, City State, Frontier, and more MMO studios affected by worldwide pandemic shutdowns

As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to make itself felt, we've got another quick roundup of news relevant to MMO players. First, we've...

The Daily Grind: What MMO are you playing instead of going out right now?

Whether you're practicing extreme social distancing or actually hunkered down within a quarantine zone, quite a lot of you are playing video games right...

The Stream Team: EverQuest hits drinking age!

There are birthday's and then there are 21st birthdays! And EverQuest just hit the big one. The original Norrath is commemorating turning 21 today...

Ship of Heroes drops new Street Fighting powerset video and pics

Hey, it's been a bit since we've checked in on Ship of Heroes, but the team is back in action with a brand-new video,...
Gosh, that was a mistake.

New World’s latest video dev diary covers weapons and specializations

If you're eagerly looking forward to New World, you will want to watch the video below. Then you will hear the first words spoken...

Welcome to the Litter Box, a player-built naked fight club in Fallout 76

As we've covered before, one of the best parts of Fallout 76 is the things that players build in-game with their C.A.M.P.s, so it...

The MOP Up: Dark Age of Camelot widens its F2P doorway

St. Patty's day is alive and kicking in Dark Age of Camelot through next Wednesday, but the big news here is that Broadsword is...