
Anime MMO Onigiri coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 ‘soon’

The anime-saturated Onigiri is about to make the leap from Japan to the west on consoles as a free-to-play MMO. What we have here is an...

The Stream Team: Preparing for Marvel Heroes’ Cosmic Midtown

Labor Day isn't all fun and games: Massively OP's MJ has a lot of work to do to prepare a character or two to...

EVE Evolved: The war for Providence

In the previous edition of EVE Evolved, I looked at how the state of PvP in EVE Online has changed since the Aegis Sovereignty...

The MOP Up: Blizzard belongs in a museum!

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Here’s what happened in RuneScape this week

Jagex has offered up a handy post that summarizes the current goings-on in RuneScape. The annual RuneFest fan event is front and center thanks...

Shards Online newsletter talks housing, the economy, and more

Shards Online's latest newsletter is out, and with it an update from project lead Derek Brinkmann. He says that the dev team is currently...

The Game Archaeologist: Lucasfilm’s Habitat

Some of you reading this may simply never have known a world before the internet existed by virtue of your age. It's not your...

The Stream Team: Underwater adventures in ARK: Survival Evolved

The last time MassivelyOP's MJ went deep-sea diving in ARK: Survival Evolved, she lost her beloved Cutie Pie -- a massive crocodile who valiantly...

Destiny is hosting a Crucible preview event next week

Destiny's 2.0 update is heading our way next week on September 8th, and Bungie is busy getting players ready for the major changes to...

The Stream Team: Take me down to New Landmark City

Take me down to New Landmark City, Where the grass ain't green but the buildings are pretty... MassivelyOP's MJ belongs to the city, concrete under her...

SkySaga’s latest alpha patch adds playable monkeys and a dinosaur zone

Alpha 5 for SkySaga has landed -- and the monkeys have hit the fan. Playable monkey characters are only the surface for this massive game...

The Stream Team: The Secret World’s Manufactory dungeon, take two

The last time MassivelyOP's MJ poked into The Secret World's new Manufactory dungeon, she couldn't get past the first room. Apparently it would help...

Heroes & Generals releases Xylander patch

Reto-Moto has updated World War II shooter Heroes & Generals with a patch called Xylander. It adds new killing tools for Soviet players as...

Elite: Dangerous names planet after soldier’s late mother

One of Elite: Dangerous' community is grieving this summer after losing his mother in June. Citing his love for the game and his missed...
Just looking good.

Crowfall answers community questions on development

A small number of players are getting their first taste of what Crowfall is going to be, and that's a good thing. The result...

The Stream Team: An anniversary romp in Wizard101 with devs (plus free gifts!)

What better way to spend Wizard101's birthday than with devs giving away free stuff? There is none! MassivelyOP's MJ will be wishing the game...

Horse World Online gallops into our hearts

Clear the slate of your gaming plans for the near future, friends, because we're here to tell you that your dream game has arrived:...

The Stream Team: Secure some SWTOR swag while touring a Tatooine stronghold

What's that? You couldn't make it to PAX Prime and grab some con swag? Never fear! MassivelyOP's Larry and MJ are bringing some SWTOR...

Skyforge dares you to enter its hostile territories

Group content in MMOs doesn't always have to mean "dungeon crawls" and "raids." For example, Skyforge has its hostile territories, challenging world zones that require...

Ask Mo: The state of Massively Overpowered

Ask Mo is back, and today Mo and I are answering a few meta questions about Massively OP itself. Our first question is from long-time...