warm fuzzies

Gamers can be amazing when they try. Not everyone in MMOs is just another edgelord. “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Also check out Massively Uplifting for more feel-good stories from our genre!

Well Fed: How I took an MMO joke sandwich name and made it real – and real delicious

Moments of inspiration really can strike from the strangest of places. Whether you're minding your own business in the shower, about to lay down...

Daybreak’s MMO Extra Life teams combine to raise over $150K for children’s hospitals

We would venture to say that a story to restore a little faith in humanity is probably necessary for a lot of folks right...
Oh CCCP, you're so horrible.

New books about EVE Online, Second Life, and EverQuest are on the way

You've played the game, now read the story. Or read the story out of curiosity about a game you would otherwise never play. Or...

World of Warships kicks off a community event to support K9s For Warriors charity

If you don't know much about military veteran suicide rates, you might not realize that it is a constant and real problem. K9s For...

ArenaNet, Standing Stone Games, and Daybreak all queue up Extra Life charity drives this weekend

With everything happening across our neck of the gaming woods this month, it's easy to lose sight of the more warm and fuzzy things...
I see.

No Man’s Sky’s soundtrack is on the bill for a November 4 charitable games music concert

If you can travel to the Electric Theatre in Guilford, UK, like the music out of No Man's Sky, and are looking to help...

PlanetSide 2 fans seek to draw in new players to the shooter with the Bring Your Friends PlanetSide event

We would say that it has been pretty tough to be a fan of PlanetSide 2 following the IP being sold off by Daybreak...

Game of Thrones actor Kristian Nairn says World of Warcraft helped him kick a drug addiction

Actor and DJ Kristian Nairn is a lovable geek icon of the past decade or so, having made his mark as Hodor in the...

Destiny 2 preps more hurricane relief and a speedrun for its newly released dungeon

The Vesper's Host dungeon added to Destiny 2 this week has already had its world first conquerors named, but that doesn't mean that Bungie...

Destiny 2 details Revenant’s updates to gear, shares new seasonal goodies, and highlights hurricane relief

The Revenant season/episode/update is nearly here in Destiny 2, which means Bungie is continuing its long-standing tradition of spilling all of the beans it...

Final Fantasy XIV gets Moo Deng fever as prices for a hippo minion start to climb

The internet is full of flash-in-the-pan moments when a completely innocuous thing suddenly becomes a viral sensation. So it is with a baby pygmy...

Ultima Online devs are working with ClassicUO modders to rehab the ancient client and renderer

We're going for a record here, clearly! This will mark the third time we've needed to write about Ultima Online this week, what with...

Netflix documentary chronicles a World of Warcraft player’s passing – and his impact on the community

We all know that one of the best things about MMORPGs is finding the right kind of community and the human connections that can...

City of Heroes Homecoming’s community is holding a player base real estate auction this weekend

Would you like to own a player base in City of Heroes: Homecoming but can't be bothered to do all of that pesky furniture...

Guild Wars 2 players are building absolutely INSANE houses with Janthir Wilds’ homesteads feature

I've only just unlocked my new player house in Guild Wars 2's Janthir Wilds and haven't dug my claws into the feature, but for...

Massively Uplifting: Labors of love, generosity, and grief in Warhammer, Terraria, Conan Exiles, Albion, ARK, and more

Labor Day in the United States is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievement of the American workers. The official Department of...

Elite Dangerous confirms a third new ship and Powerplay 2.0’s arrival in October as Lave Radio hits 500th episode

Frontier Developments' monthly studio-wide livestream has once more provided some tasty tidbits for Elite: Dangerous players. Following a teaser image earlier this month, FDev...
It's a tale as old as time.

The original Diablo can be played on mobile or a web browser once again – here’s how to do it

One of the hallmarks of advancing technology is that power increases while form factor decreases, and now that looks to be true of the...

Old-school web browser MMORPG Tanoth has been resurrected in a playable beta format

Here's a blast from the past that is sure to catch genre fans by surprise. Does anyone here remember Tanoth? It was a web...

MMO studio Daybreak is named 2023 Extra Life Partner of the Year, posts 2024 fundraising plans

Daybreak's charity work has paid off: This week, Extra Life and Children's Miracle Network named Daybreak Games its Extra Life Partner of the Year...