
Pokemon Go is testing a monthly reward program that caps out at $500 a month

MOP's Andrew has been covering Pokemon Go's many problems - including whaling problems - in his Massively on the Go column for the last...

The Daily Grind: How much do you think the whales of your top MMO spend in a year?

A few weeks back, following Korea's Fair Trade Commission ordering Nexon to pay nearly $9M in fines over its deceptive gamble-upgrade mechanics, players went...

Massively Overthinking: Does whaling ruin MMOs?

Last week, I was chatting with a MOP reader (hi Bryan!) in our comments about Lord of the Rings Online's business model - both...

World of Warships apologizes for issuing promo code that personally attacked a content creator

Even while under the public microscope for aggressive and possibly predatory monetization schemes and the near-collapse of its influencer program, Wargaming is making few...
This is fine.

The Daily Grind: Who the heck are you people who buy stuff for MMOs you can’t play yet?

I gotta know this. Who the heck are you people who buy stuff for MMOs you can't play yet? Star Citizen, Ashes of Creation, ships,...
We never like these things.

German commission takes up lootbox issue as academics link whaling to gambling markets

Germany has added its voice to the anti-lockbox chorus in the US, UK, and Netherlands. According to an article on the German-language Welt (picked...

Pokemon Go adds monthly community events, summons giant (pokemon) whale

Still playing Pokemon Go? Wish you were, but couldn't find a group to raid with? Or maybe you are in a group but want to...
Awesome. Very impressive. Great job.

The Soapbox: The long tail of game development isn’t an excuse for gouging

Don't be too mad at Star Wars: Battlefront II. It's a symptom of a problem, not the cause. I mean, be mad at people...

City of Titans on endgame, alting, PvP, business models, lockboxes, and whales

The first and most-backed City of Heroes successor City of Titans has a couple of dev pieces out this month answering questions posed to...

Blade & Soul’s Beluga Lagoon update is an homage to a whale

It might not be the best idea to theme your MMORPG updates around "whales" in the current microtransaction climate, but that's exactly what NCsoft...
Star Citizen

Star Citizen thinks someone will still pay $750 for a concept ship

If you have $750 burning a hole in your pocket, here is a list of things you could do with it: You could give it...

Report: Whales make up majority of mobile F2P sales

Whether or not developers like the term "whales," the truth is that big spenders are still very big business for free-to-play games. Gamasutra points...
Glub glub.

Here’s how to hunt whales in Black Desert

Would you like to hunt whales in Black Desert? No, not the big cash shop spenders, but actual whales in the ocean and stuff....
Right in half.

Star Citizen whale talks purchases vs. donations

If you've been hiding under a rock for the past couple of years and have no clue about the crowdfunded beast that is Star...

Former SWTOR bigwig dislikes the term ‘whale’

The latest salvo in the ongoing free-to-play culture war comes courtesy of former Star Wars: The Old Republic lead systems designer Damion Schubert. In...