
See: World of Warcraft

It just keeps happening.

WoW Factor: Dissecting the drips and drabs from the Shadowlands reveal stream

All right. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands kicks off its beta next week. I would kind of like to be involved in that! I am...

SuperData calls expansions the ‘lifeblood’ for World of Warcraft

I have a thing about graphs without labeled axes. Just yesterday, I was literally making fun of the time Nexon turned in this unitless graph in its investor report. Yay squiggly lines!
Just marking time after all.

World of Warcraft Shadowlands’ beta begins next week

Updates and pics are at the bottom of this post! Welcome back to Eliot liveblogging about Blizzard events. Like you, I thought we were done...

Perfect Ten: More time traveling adventures in MMOs

Writers and geeks alike can't seem to get enough of time travel -- and neither can I! Back in 2017, I wrote a list of...
You look trustworthy, join our party!

World of Warcraft has its first trans character in the Shadowlands alpha and prepares the Darkmoon Faire on live

The first canonical trans character in World of Warcraft is here in Shadowlands: Pelagos, an aspirant among the Kyrians whose mortal form was that...

Massively Uplifting: Speech therapy, a college class in WoW, and the Ian Holm tribute that crashed LOTRO

Inside or outside? Like a cat at the door, June had many of us unsure if we wanted to go out or stay in;...
Sometimes it just makes sense.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands datamining reveals more alpha details, including more Soulbinds

The testing for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands continues, and with a new update that means new datamining of important details. The most recent update...

Everland was the MMO Reckful was building before he passed away.

Last week, we covered the tragic death of Byron Bernstein, the popular streamer and World of Warcraft player who took his own life at the...
Llook out, Llary! It's the llandlllord!

The Daily Grind: Do you have a favorite MMO PvP moment?

There was a fun thread on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit a while back that really made me miss solid MMORPG PvP. A player...
Shoulder touch.

World of Warcraft plans to connect multiple low-population realms to higher-population ones over the next few months

Friendships! They're probably spectacular. Would you like to have some in World of Warcraft? The designers would like for you to have them, which...
Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: The missing soulbinds of Shadowlands’ testing

Everyone remembers about soulbinding, yes? It's one of the major new features in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands? Like, it's literally the whole thing that...

Obituary: WoW and Hearthstone esports star and Twitch streamer Reckful

Gamers and Twitch fans are in mourning this afternoon, as reports confirming the death of streamer Byron "Reckful" Bernstein have hit social media. Both...
I'm going to master letting this play instead of me.

WoW Classic sees another 40,000 accounts banned for botting and RMT as cases surge

The war against the hungry bot horde continues in WoW Classic. Shortly after Blizzard gave 74,000 accounts the boot, the devs have once again...
In a world of human wreckage.

This week in why we can’t have nice things: Method, EA, and Ubisoft

The fallout from June's games industry abuse and assault call-outs continues. Let's start with Method, the guild that's been driving World of Warcraft's competitive scene...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: World of Warcraft’s multicolored elf rainbow

Remember how I managed to get an entire column out of all the different flavors of troll within World of Warcraft? Except I kind...
All things go, all things go.

The Daily Grind: What does World of Warcraft actually do well?

We all know that World of Warcraft gets its fair share of criticism and grumpy rants, particularly in this Battle for Azeroth era. And...

World of Warcraft’s summer sale marks Battle for Azeroth down to $20

The sun is hot, the ice cream is melting all over the car seat, and Blizzard is looking to make a few bucks by...
We represent the short-term planning guild!

Ahn’qiraj content unlocks on July 28 in World of Warcraft: Classic

Missed your chance to become the Scarab Lord in World of Warcraft? Well, you'll have another shot on July 28th in WoW Classic when...

The Game Archaeologist: When World of Warcraft opened Ahn’Qiraj’s gates

This past month, Blizzard has been testing what might well be the milestone moment for World of Warcraft Classic: The Ahn'Qiraj gates event. In...

The Daily Grind: How did your early MMOs shape your expectations for the MMOs you play now?

I was chatting with MOP reader and commenter Bruno Brito a while back when something he said about player expectations in MMOs struck me....