
See: World of Warcraft

One Shots: Larger than life

If there is one thing that MMORPGs are able to do regularly and impressively, it is to give us a sense of massive scale....

The Game Archaeologist: 1998’s Mankind

In the annals of the MMO genre, the massively multiplayer RTS has had perhaps the worst go of any variations on these online games....

The Daily Grind: Are you drawn to MMO shapeshifting classes?

When you think about it, one of the least-represented class archetypes in MMORPGs is shapeshifters. They only pop up here and there, such as...
We're actual size, but it seems much bigger to see.

WoW Factor: Why do people remember classic WoW being so much harder than it actually was?

As much as there's a moment of schadenfreude in the people compiling lists specifying that no, World of Warcraft: Classic being classic is not...
Depth perception is for fools, I guess.

World of Warcraft shows off its Benthic gear while the Classic server calls a wrap on another stress test

Want to earn your new equipment in World of Warcraft by farming for items rather than praying for drops? The new Benthic gear available in...

Massively Overthinking: Tackling the ‘big four MMOs’ meme

Over the last couple of months, there's been a meme floating around the MMORPG subreddit. Someone will ask that the community recommend a game,...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Why Guild Wars 2 has my favorite flying mounts

When Guild Wars 2 announced that the central mechanic of its Path of Fire expansion was going to be mounts, a lot of people...

World of Warcraft: Classic dragon griefing, Argus redux, and BFA end boss

Fun fact: Did you know that Blizzard had originally been considering Argus -- the late Legion content update -- as its own full-fledged expansion?...

Not So Massively: StarCraft II co-op is one of online gaming’s greatest hidden gems

Between the disappointment of the current World of Warcraft expansion, the abandonment of Diablo III, and other... unpleasantness, I find my lifelong fandom of...
Very mature.

Global Chat: Catching the WoW Classic fever

You've got the fever, she's got the fever, everyone's got the fever for WoW Classic these days! The launch announcement and beta testing has...

One Shots: Armed and fabulous

Last week I invited Massively OP's readers to share pictures showing off faction pride in some way, shape, or form. But who knew it...

LOTRO Legendarium: How LOTRO does Lord of the Rings justice

Oh. Oh no you didn't, Kotaku. You didn't just sit there, scratching your head for an easy post, and then write up an essay...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: Crazy speculation on turning back the clock for World of Warcraft

There's a game I like to play - wait, no, that's a lie. There's a game I do play called "Oh, I Made Myself Sad."...
Doom approaches.

WoW Classic schedules a two-hour make-up stress test next Wednesday

It's the hottest ticket in town, and it's straight from 2004. The World of Warcraft Classic beta test is drawing all sorts of attention...

Massively Overthinking: What are your favorite MMO ‘chores’?

A few months ago, The Outline ran a piece on Red Dead Redemption 2 titled I don't wanna do my video games chores, and...
Sometimes the theme is just disappointment.

Vague Patch Notes: On fans and fanboys in MMORPGs

When you play Final Fantasy XIV, you are going to be stuck playing one of an assortment of jobs, with no actual customization to distinguish...
Doom approaches.

No, Elite enemies in World of Warcraft: Classic are not dealing too little damage

Remember how back in the earlier days of World of Warcraft every Elite was a vicious murder machine, leading to Bloodborne-esque dances of nearly dying every...

World of Warcraft previews patch 8.2 heritage armor for Gnomes and Tauren

As World of Warcraft players are gearing up for WoW Classic's first big stress test this evening, Blizzard is dropping more teases for the...
This was once controversial!

Perfect Ten: Helpful tips for returning to City of Heroes in 2019

With the (community-led) rebirth of City of Heroes in 2019, a rather interesting problem has arisen for this superhero title: Namely, players who never...
Dragon Age.

League of Legends is destined for mobile, Reuters reports

Remember all the thinkpieces years back about the rise of the MOBA? The industry's been through several bubbles since then, between survival sandboxes and...