
See: World of Warcraft

As intended.

World of Warcraft will be down most of today fixing patch 7.3.5’s bugs (Aaaaaand it’s back)

So, has World of Warcraft seemed a bit more... buggy to you lately? Because there have been some notable bugs since the whole worldwide...
Liches do it with nothing.

World of Warcraft confirms that raid boss health bump is a mistake and being fixed

It was sort of a smack in the face to go to old raids in World of Warcraft yesterday. Not in the slap-in-the-face disrespectful...
A dispatch from the days when I bothered.

World of Warcraft patch 7.3.5 is live in the wild after extended downtime

Some patches just don't go down smoothly. World of Warcraft wound up extending its patch time for patch 7.3.5. pretty thoroughly yesterday, with the...

The Daily Grind: What MMO zone biome puts you in an adventuring mood?

Two of my favorite MMORPG zones are World of Warcraft's Mulgore and WildStar's Algoroc. Both managed to catch some of the spirit and flavor...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 153: It’s a whole New World

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW, DDO, New World, RIFT, Elite, and ArcheAge, with a mailbag question on easing into full-scale MMO sandboxes.
Gotta fly these things somehwere, guys.

World of Warcraft’s patch 7.3.5 abolishes expansion-specific flight skill requirements today

Since the ability to fly was added in the first expansion to World of Warcraft, there's always been the question among players about when...
You either didn't like the last answer or you didn't care then or now.

The Daily Grind: How much worse could MMO business models get?

During the roundtable podcast a few weeks ago, when we had the whole Massively OP staff on to chat, we tackled a question from Teviko...
Can we start, start over.

World of Warcraft patch 7.3.5 arrives tomorrow with worldwide level scaling

Got some alts you want to level up in World of Warcraft? The experience is about to become much broader when patch 7.3.5 arrives...

World of Warcraft e-sports: The return of the Mythic Dungeon Invitational and Arena World Championship

World of Warcraft and e-sports: two great tastes that taste great together, right? That's Blizzard's position, anyway. On Friday it laid out its plans...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best sky views?

I know it's a simple and basic thing, but I absolutely adore a great skybox in my MMORPGs. There's something about looking up at...
Well... it's a box, and one of the people in it is probably a skinner?

World of Warcraft offers Hunters new pet options for Patch 7.2.5

World of Warcraft Hunters who adhere to the ancient code of the Pokémon -- gotta catch 'em all -- will find themselves five pets...
This is not hard to do.

WoW Factor: Guessing at Battle for Azeroth’s release date using math

The "when will Battle for Azeroth" speculation train is rolling once again because it looks like patch 7.3.5 is just around the corner. We...
Ultima Online

The Daily Grind: What MMO will be the next to change up its business model dramatically?

You may not like it, but the vast majority of MMORPGs are free-to-play or buy-to-play as of 2018. EVE Online went free-to-play at the...

Massively Overthinking: What’s the smallest MMO you’re willing to play?

A comment on Reddit about the current size and viability of Kritika Online got me thinking about MMO playerbases in general lately. We all...

Blizzard’s app gets an upgrade

The next iteration for Blizzard's launch application is here, and no, it doesn't include yet another name change. The changes mostly come in the form...
I suppose this is a problem I'm happy to complain about.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 152: Allied races and superhero sprints

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, ARK, Portal Knights, World of Warcraft, Champions Online, Fractured, Ship of Heroes, Black Desert, Elder Scrolls Online, and Life is Feudal, with mailbag questions on teaching MMO teamwork to kids and lockboxes vs. advertising.
Swipe left.

World of Warcraft is patching in a way to purchase Legendaries directly in patch 7.3.5

One of the most ongoing issues in World of Warcraft's current expansion has been the preponderance of Legendary items and the general difficulty of...

The Game Archaeologist: Neocron

It's the distant future. The high-tech battle armor you wear sharply contrasts with the ruins of civilization that you traverse. You spot an enemy...
I suppose this is a problem I'm happy to complain about.

World of Warcraft’s allied races are an account-wide unlock — and here’s how you can get them

With Battle for Azeroth a ways down the road for antsy World of Warcraft fans, a lot of attention from the community has settled...
No, you don't get it, she has no eyes.

WoW Factor: The fate of the class orders post-Legion, part 2

Back before the winter break, I took a look at how the various class orders are going to handle the increased conflict between the...