
See: World of Warcraft

Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: So Blizzard backtracked on WoW Classic’s dungeon finder

So in April last year, I wrote a whole article about how World of Warcraft's development team was taking a gigantic misstep when it...

EG7 hopes to develop a new EverQuest MMORPG (EverQuest 3?) for 2028 after years of rumors

So, who had EverQuest 3 announcement on the 2023 predictions list? We award you half points for your prescience tonight. Admittedly, a new installment in...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO things you can just stop waiting for

Sooner or later we all have to face facts and accept that something we wanted at one point is never actually going to happen....
zoop badoop

Massively OP Podcast Episode 437: The MMO moving-in blues

Justin and Bree discuss Star Trek Online Incursion, WoW's Guardians of the Dream, LOTRO's River Hobbit housing and the Mariner, and Elder Scrolls Online's update 40, with a podcast topic on the financial barriers to returning to MMOs.

World of Warcraft PvP ‘kick macro’ exploit sends Blizzard scurrying to fix it

The competitive scene in World of Warcraft is, well, fairly competitive, and players often look for any edge they can get over the competition....

Talk Like a Pirate Day around the MMO world, 2023 edition

When the internet was younger, Talk Like a Pirate Day was a huge event, the kind of harmless fun every brand and MMO got...
Everything old is claimed to be new again.

WoW Classic pits players against the Lich King – with the dungeon finder – on October 10

Finally, at long last, players will get a chance to kill the Lich King in World of Warcraft! That is, if you somehow missed...

The MOP Up: World of Warcraft’s mighty banhammer strikes once more

World of Warcraft announced that it banned 145,566 accounts in August, saying, "All of these actions were for cheating or exploitation, which primarily result...
There are problems with this art, but we're going to overlook that.

Global Chat: How do you make a compelling new player experience in MMOs?

In a slightly older essay, Kalyriene looked at the importance of the new player experience in MMORPGs -- and why both World of Warcraft...

One Shots: Just a minute, Mom, I’m playing with my virtual dollhouse!

If playing with physical dollhouses is your entry-level and full-on interior decorating your advanced mode, then video games offer a middle ground to those...

Massively Overthinking: Do you sub to MMOs you’re no longer playing?

Over the summer, an MMO did something I've never seen an MMO do before: It stopped taking my money for no discernable reason and...
Slightly disappointing context.

WoW Factor: MMO raid design and the antagonistic GM

Last week's column about World of Warcraft prompted some really interesting comments that I think are worth talking about; in fact, I very nearly...

New indie MMO Legendarium Online claims inspiration from Ultima Online and Tolkien

Like a prairie dog popping its head above ground to check out the scene, a new indie MMORPG suddenly emerged to make its presence...

Global Chat: What makes an ‘MMO’ an MMO?

Pulling back to look at the very big picture of it all, Tipa at Chasing Dings asks a pretty relevant question in this ever-shifting...

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s exhausting constant hype cycle

When I saw that there was an event happening on Thursday for World of Warcraft's next patch, I had to do a double-take. I...

World of Warcraft contemplates buyable trader’s tender and an old world revamp

We all learned about World of Warcraft's Guardians of the Dream patch in terms of its overall location and content offerings yesterday, along with...

Massively Overthinking: The dumbest deaths in MMORPGs

This past week has been amusing for everyone in the MMO community and beyond who loves to watch people die stupid deaths in video...

World of Warcraft’s Guardians of the Dream sends players to the Emerald Dream itself

As teased, Blizzard has unveiled World of Warcraft's Guardians of the Dream, giving little breathing space between it and the just-released Fury Incarnate as...
Looking back.

Vague Patch Notes: The specter of racially locked classes in MMOs and before

One of the things I've taken on multiple times in this column is the concept of gender-locked classes, which are bad, and if you...

World of Warcraft is promising big reveals for patch 10.2, Guardians of the Dream, today

(Update: The full reveal is up now.) Hey, remember patch 10.1.7 for World of Warcraft that got hyped up extensively before it launched back in...