What sort of character are you going to make in Skyforge? A new user video shows off the character creator and classes from the most recent Russian test event, walking viewers through the various creation options in some detail. The video is embedded just past the break, and there are plenty of sliders, idle pose options, and the like to customize your character’s look. There’s even an option to wear a silver minidress into battle if that’s really your speed.
You can also take a look at how stats and abilities will work in the game, but that’s the sort of character customization that comes in after you’re already in the game.
Maybe you’re the sort who would rather wait and see the game with your own eyes instead of the test version, though? We can’t give you that just yet, but you can take a little tour of Alakur Island with a new scrolling panorama on the official site. It’s not as good as being to explore the zone on your own two feet, but it shows off the environmental design and the visual flow of the area.
[Source: Reddit, Stats and Abilities, Panorama, Official Site]