And here’s a bit of good news for the industry: Hi-Rez is in the middle of a major expansion — of itself. Georgia.org reports that Hi-Rez will soon be “leasing an additional 22,000 square feet in Alpharetta [Georgia] to expand its current headquarters and [will] add 50 jobs in 2015.”
The devs have published an extensive look at Medusa including a designer Q&A and a video which you’ll find past the break, along with a quickie giveaway of keys that each unlock a different playable character and a costume for him or her, including Medusa. Don’t forget the patch notes!
We have a bunch of unlock keys courtesy of Hi-Rez to give away as part of Medusa’s reveal. The first third unlock Medusa herself and her Black Gorgon skin; the second third grant Thor and his Wrath of Valhalla skin, and the final third grant Vulcan and his Warforged skin. Click the button to grab one and cross your fingers you get the one you want!
No keys left! Sorry.
[We’re outta keys now — grats to those who grabbed one!]
To redeem your key, click on the STORE button in-game in the upper left corner of the home screen, then click Redeem Promotion. Enter your code to activate the upgrade. Good luck!
[Source: Dev insight, Georgia.org. Thanks, Sorenthaz.]