Soloers, you are not welcome in Saga of Lucimia. At least that’s the tone of developer diaries for the upcoming sandbox in which the team boldly asserts that group-based gameplay is the focus of the MMO.
“There are already dozens of solo-friendly MMORPGs out there offering players the instant gratification that the entitled hipster generation of ADD players need in order to stay subscribed,” the team posted a year ago by way of explaining the game’s motivations. “Instead, we are building a group-based game, one that focuses on the epic battles, challenges and rewards that come about as a direct result of being part of something epic in scope… not a single-player storyline where every player gets to become The Hero.”
A more recent dev diary sees Lead Developer Tim Anderson waxing poetical about turning his dream for a game into reality. “For me, it’s the ability to see my imagination coming to light. I couldn’t do this alone; the team and the community are what make this project work so well, and what have brought us to where we are today,” he writes.