In Trove, your Cornerstone is your home away from home. Also your home at home. It’s your home, in other words. But just like real homes, you might wish that you could have more than one, arranged based upon your moods and desires at any given time. The good news is that you can have as many as you’d like, assuming that you’d like no more than four.
While all players start out with one Cornerstone, additional options can be unlocked by paying for the extras with coins or cubits. Each Cornerstone can also be named differently if you’d like something more distinct than just “Cornerstone 1” through “Cornerstone 4.” Once you’ve opened the menu for your Cornerstones, just click a button to switch between them, with a few seconds of delay between switches. Now you needn’t just bring a piece of home with you; you can bring a number of homes whenever you want.