Look, memes, there’s… there’s no easy way to say this, but I think we’re done. We’ve had some really good times. The whole “All Your Base” thing was a huge part of my time in college, and some of our shared experiences have been great. And I’m always going to care about you, you know that. But lately, half of the things you do are just stuff related to the astrological signs – you know I hate that – and the other stuff is just… not funny. It’s never been funny. It’s like you thought you peaked with “arrow to the knee” and you didn’t get how dumb that was.
I’m sorry. It’s over. I can’t do this any longer. I’m going to move on, and I hope that you’ll respect my need for space right now. Maybe you can get some inspiration from this week’s What Are You Playing, in which the Massively Overpowered crew (and our lovely patrons) let you know what we’ll be up to over the weekend. Just… let’s have some space. And if you go back to cats one day, maybe… no, even then. I think I need to say goodbye, memes. You can has breakup.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m not sure – probably Guild Wars 2 or Marvel Heroes. I thought I was about to get back into Marvel Heroes last week. But for some reason, I’m feeling like trying something weird. Matt’s CMA on Shroud of the Avatar makes me think I should crack into that, or maybe I should finally try Project Gorgon. Decisions!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I have to be honest, for some reason playing Star Wars: The Old Republic has just been electric for me. My wife and I will be moving through some story stuff that we missed during our two years off from the game, I’ll be decorating my strongholds, at some point we’ll be up to doing the Star Fortress stuff… I’m really digging on it. I can’t wait to play through more tactical modes and so forth. I will, however, dip into Final Fantasy XIV just the same, because you know how I am.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m trying to wrap up getting all of my FFXIV classes to 15, after which I’ll be trucking ahead in the main story with my Lancer. Other than that, I’m contemplating rolling up a Chua Spellslinger in WildStar for kicks.
Tina Lauro (@purpletinabeans): Guild Wars 2 is getting the bulk of my playing time this weekend. I haven’t checked in with the MOP guild in a while (apologies, folks, but raiding, exam season, and the holidays ruined me), so I plan on poking my head in to see how you all are doing.
Patreon Donor Pierre: Same as last week-end for me: SWTOR leveling up my Smuggler; the Star Wars movie hype is still strong in me. And beside SWTOR, The Elder Scrolls Online is a good alternative MMO. Enjoy your virtual worlds too, MOP readers, and have a great W-E.
Patreon Donor Thatchefdude: This weekend I will working my way through some more Heavensward content (yeah, I’m really behind), inching towards patch 3.1 content, while also spending some time playing Super Mario Maker with my wife (it’s actually a great game for couples to play together). I have some real-life tasks to attend to: gardening, home improvement, and such, so I may have to keep it fairly light for gaming this weekend.
Your turn!