In the realm of updates, late is always better than never! It might have taken longer than expected, but Update 0.13 has finally landed in Armored Warfare, bringing with it a host of bug fixes as well as new features. Six new Chinese Main Battle tanks (ranging from tier 3 to tier 8) join the ranks, as does one new tier 5 Chinese premium MBT. To unlock access to this new line of vehicles, players will have to either deal a set amount of damage to enemies (PvP or PvE) while within 150 meters of another friendly vehicle or purchase the premium tank.
On top of that, the game also added a new coastal PvP map, improved the matchmaking system, overhauled the PvP and PvE reward system, and made changes to PvE artillery and consumable costs. Get a preview of the changes in the video below, then make sure you have some room on your hard drive — this patch takes 3.72 GB of space.