A lot of big stuff has been talked up as new additions to Heroes of the Storm, and with today’s patch those features are coming home to roost. Want to enjoy single-lane battling with the Lost Cavern map? That’s in there. Want to ban heroes as part of a tournament? Yep, right in there. Need to play with Dehaka? Also added to the game. But even if you’ve heard about all of that and have already gotten bored with it, there are a whole lot of changes made to various heroes within the game that should grab your attention.
Several heroes, such as Illidan and Tychus, have undergone extensive reworking and had many talents moved, changed, or outright replaced. Other heroes have had major changes made to alter core weaknesses or strengths. Jaina and Kael’thas have had some of their mobility options removed and both Zagara and The Butcher have had their talents and core abilities slightly tweaked. The end result should be a better experience for everyone, and if you’re excited by the changes and want to get in on a one-lane team fight… well, so much the better.