WRUP: Year in preview edition


Well, here we are, a new year. This one has a low bar to clear and it’s already not doing a great job. I’d write a four-letter word here that rhymes with “truck,” but I like not being fired. Instead, let’s just finish with our year in review nonsense by giving you the phrases you’ll become intimately familiar with over the next year due to major news stories.

  • January: “It’s unclear why so many MMOs are now engaged in cross-promotional campaigns with shaving cream, but still…”
  • February: “A new imported MMO is out, and the studio behind it is very enthusiastic about its chances in the market.”
  • March: “The new basketball minigame trend is getting out of hand.”
  • April: “It turns out you can’t fund your game with a Ponzi scheme.”
  • May: “That new import from February is shutting down at the end of the month.”
  • June: Reserved for Stormblood.
  • July: “The three new upcoming Hellgate London relaunches.”
  • August: “Daybreak has officially announced the shutdown of several games it is not running, begging the question of why.”
  • September: “Boy, remember earlier in this year when no one was afraid of the chupacabre?”
  • October: Halloween.
  • November: “This year’s BlizzCon featured an unfortunate incident with a snake and far too many computers on fire.”
  • December: “Ugh, this year is finally almost done.”

Have fun! Let us know what you’re playing in the comments, since this is What Are You Playing. It’s cunningly disguised, you see.

​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): ​First the Asheron’s Call franchise, now Landmark is going down? Ugh, sorry Daybreak, I’m sticking with some AC these weekend (more 2 than 1 because the post-apocalyptic setting is easier to appreciate knowing what’s to come). Probably will do some Pokémon Go still, as my perfect IV Squirtle needs candy still.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Still horribly sick here, but I’ve been tooling around in Trove, so I expect to be in there. Having a surprisingly good time collecting recipes for my very-much-under-construction house/lot/thing!

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV, as you all probably expected; I’m also going to be starting in on Lord of the Rings Online this weekend. And novel revisions, that’ll be time-consuming.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Once in a while I want to laser-focus on a title to finish up a project, and this weekend I think that completing World of Warcraft’s Suramar campaign might be worthy of my time. A friend also gave me access to his Asheron’s Call account so I could experience it for the first time before its closure.

MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’ll be playing more SMITE Rivals, and maybe a couple rounds of SMITE Tactics. I don’t think I can sneak much else in this weekend. I may try and download Landmark on this laptop so I can just go in and sadly admire everything I can.

Your turn!

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