“In the wake of the Cloaked Ascendancy’s occupancy of the River District, a mysterious dragonborn necromancer emerges wielding a powerful artifact, the Shroud of Souls. Released from beneath the River District, she now controls an army of wraiths, and is set on summoning even more powerful spirits to lead her forces. Adventurers must set out to stop this evil plan and restore peace to the River District once more.”
“The long-awaited Loadouts feature debuts in Shroud of Souls, allowing players to create customized character builds, complete with gear configurations, for quick swapping across Neverwinter’s PvE, dungeons, PvP and more. Several improvements to Strongholds guild gameplay are introduced, including a dynamic Siege and an all-new customizable Guild Hall social space where players can relive their adventures with others and showcase their achievements in Neverwinter.”