With such a massive update as was delivered with last week’s World of Warcraft Patch 7.3, it’s pretty obvious that some stuff was going to get missed. There are plenty of undocumented changes that (for some reason) didn’t get included on the official list, and the dev team has been hotfixing the game on a nearly daily basis since Argus went live.
Let’s start with the missing patch notes, because there’s always that fear that the devs are trying to slip one over on you. Among the items is the fact that Black Temple Timewalking loot got bumped up to item level 930, some raid maps got helpful directional arrows to point out the location of doors, and low-level dungeons now operate on personal loot only. All players are going to be automatically bumped up to artifact knowledge level 41 for starters, with one additional free level handed out on a weekly basis.
Over in hotfixland, all players will now be given the “Part of History” achievement, which grants a new artifact color tint for your weapon. There are small fixes for the Tomb of Sargeras raid, some additional help on Argus for questers, and some PvP balance tweaks that impact some classes more than others.